In Tokyo... I was going to write up a long an involved blog about all the stuff thats happened in the last 14 hours since i landed, but since i just spent the last 45 minutes trying to stop the fat cat from eating all the skinny cat's food, I'll do pictures later! :-P
I really should be sleeping now!
OK, better late than never! Here's a few extra photos from our Hawaii trip last month for the Hawaii International Film Festival.
Here's 'the rest'... in no particular order...
The weather was so nice in Hawaii... gotta love the palm trees too.
On Sunday Swang and I went to Macau for the Macau Grand Prix at the invite of my friend ネイルアートちゃん.... I took too much video during the race though, its going to take me a while to prepare! and yes, i still have Hawaii photos left to blog about, but I thought I'd try to get at least some of the Macau stuff in here too...
So this is all the non-race related stuff i took pictures of!
Between the races, ...Read more
Friday Night Audiotraffic did a show at a Charity Event held at the same place as the previous night's MTV party with 24 Herbs. 金曜日夜はAudiotrafficがIFCの上でショウしました。風強いけど、上手でした。写真とビデオを見て!
This time it was a bit more subdued, crowdwise:
As I mentioned the other day, things were busy the last few days. not only events thursday and friday night, but also saturday. Hypothetically Th/F were 'work' and Saturday was pure recreation though.
At lunch time Swang and I met up with visiting AnD member Mio, who was down in HK from Tokyo for the we...Read more
the last few days have been quite action packed... especially yesterday. (and i've got several blogs worth of photos to prove it). i am extra tired because today is the 2nd day in a row i had someone wake me up early... yesterday was a phone call and today was someone knocking on my door at 8:30am. and of course i couldn't fall back asleep after that. :-(
i've gotta run down to the Ferry terminal in a minute, today is the finals of the Macau Grand Prix... should be another tiring day. ;-)
After the roof-top party, we all headed over to Racks for the official EMA pre-party after-party! :-P
These last few days AnD artist Wu Di is visiting from the Mainland, so I took the oppo...Read more
Last night MTV hosted an event here in HK which was hypothetically some kind of promotional pre-party for the European Music Awards (EMAs?) -- but it was mostly just an excuse to have a party, the EMA 'preview' stuff only lasted like 5 minutes! :-P
it was held at an awesome location on the roof top of the IFC mall (between the IFC 1 and IFC 2 towers in Central here in downtown HK.
They had three musical acts, a cantonese singer named Andy Hui, everyone's favorite Cantonese rap-grou...Read more
Been a while since i did a Hamasaki Ayumi related blog!
Today while I was eating lunch, I looked through the Apple Daily and was pleased to see this article:
步姐封07賺錢女王Which basically says: 'Hamasaki Ayumi is the top earning female star of 2007'.
To put this in context let me explain a bit: Read more
After the THK screening (and the day before the FTG screening) we planned an 'after party' . With some help from ネール・アートちゃん, we got the hook-up at the 'Diamond Head Grill' at the W hotel... it was way too big for our 40-50 person group, but that's ok. :-P
here are some pics i took during the evening:
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