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Etty Lau Farrell
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10 Good Reasons to Drink!

The Holiday season.  A month booked solid of dinner parties, cocktail parties, hoilday parties filled with happy food and endless glasses of fancy drinks.  Every night, as I dance around deliriously tipsy, and every morning, when I wake up with a heavy head, I remember this delightful article that I stumbled upon a couple of weeks back.

I would like to share it with all of you...


So do something healthy for yourself...And don't forget to put the number of a limo or cab company in your phone..just in case. 

about 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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never! ;-)
about 17 years ago
Photo 22998
You know what is an interesting thing to do one day is trace the source of this kind of information. For example this article refers to the "accepted fact" that red wine is good for your heart - well, this is a much disputed "fact" - because it's bending reality - because many red berried substances have the same effect. Can you just put vitamins in your drink and suddenly say it is health benefiical? Apparently you can if you are in charge of one of the most highly lucrative industries in the world. Think I'm making it up? Think of the last 10 events you've been to. Has there been an alchohol company sponsoring it? Think about it. "Look at this study we did - it shows alchohol is GOOD - you should write an article about it. if you do, we'll put an ad for our product in your magazine." That's how it works. "If you serve our drink, we'll sponsor your event." Why do I think it's important enough to mention? Because there is another list.... for every person who gets through life unscarred by someone's alchohol usage, there are many who are. Alchoholism is considered the worlds primary source of "mental illness" (it's category) and the fun part of mental illnesses is that it usually mostly adversely affects the innocent people around the ill one. It is the cause of 16,000 + deaths annually directly linked to drunk driving. That's a real number, not theoretically like that ridiculous suggestion that more people would die if it weren't for the use of alchohol. It is such a cause for date rape among college females that it has become a cultural joke/phenomenon to mention it in pop culture venues on youtube and videojug and such. So.... I realize the guy who brings up the corporate control over people's lives isn't the most fun guy... but I think it's important to not let extraordinarly well funded special interest groups control and define cultural habits. As the culture with the largst increasing use of alchohol, I would imagine Asian trend-setters might want to be careful about this. I know you didn't write the article - I'm just encouraging awareness.
about 17 years ago


Remember, Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, but backwards and in high heels.

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