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E.V.E.N.T update

E.V.E.N.T has been very busy lately. Filming , casting, Launching our website and signing with alivenotdead as an official collaboration partners for events. Its all very exciting. Our Speak up! event is getting bigger and better. It continues to grow and the aim is to help put artist's on the map. Giving artist a platform to perform and showcase their work. We also help promote artist's and find artist's paid work here in HK. We have created a face to face networking night where people can share their ideas and work together.

We have started filming allot lately and the idea is to create commercials for artists to be seen and for the public to see what it is that E.V.E.N.T does. We will be uploading our videos and commercials on our website very soon! :)[if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom false/w:SaveIfXMLInvalid false/w:IgnoreMixedContent false/w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 9]> /w:LatentStyles <![endif]

E.V.E.N.T had it's first year anniversary and website launch back in June at the Cavern and the turn out and performances were amazing. Local media and press attended.   Performance line up: "The Metro Group", Beat trix ( Dance Troop), Paul Luxenberg,Kim Haslam,MK Pastelle, Brown Sugar: AND VJ I-TEK You can view all the photos from the website anniversary on our event page here :http://artisteventscompany.com/events/100/firstanniversary

And our E.V.E.N.T website :http://www.artisteventscompany.com/

Stayed tuned for updates on all our events and projects we have coming up. We will be posting our latest event teasers within the next month and we will be having a screening of our artist's commercial very soon!

The night was a huge success and we want to say a very special thank you to all the performers, Alivenotdead, Simon Yin (Our host), Derrick Fong, Elden Cheung, Anniewho,The Flying Pan ( Tammy), Belvedere, Yandy Yot and the Cavern.Since the launch we have had Speak up! events every month for artists at MINT. Now that we have officially joined partnership with Alivenotdead to organize events we are really excited and feel blessed to have such incredible support for the arts. That is our vision. We have also had monthly GROUNDED events. An old school hip hop and funk night at Philia lounge. Our DP Derrick Fong filmed the two last events and we cant wait to share these with you.

We have also be out filming around HK for our E.V.E.N.T commercial. This commercial will showcase artists here in HK and what we E.V.E.N.T do as a company. Featuring AND artist's! We will be launching the commercial next month and it will be screened at different festivals around HK, TV, The Web and events. More behind the scene shots coming soon! Here a just 2 for now :) Kate Sullivan & Roger De Leon Co founders of  E.V.E.N.T Vince Chung & Kate Sullivan 'Acting' in a soap for our commercial.

Our next Speak up! event is at MINT October 7th and we featuring Maggie Hou. Save the date : October Speak up!

We want to say a special thank you to Derrick Fong who has been filming all our footage for our commercial and will be filming our events from now on. He is an amazing talent! Also another very special thank you to Elden Cheung who has been our E.V.E.N.T photographer since we launched in April last year and has taken photos for us at every single event! You can view Elden's sight and all our events here:http://www.fotop.net/Gma/EVENT

To view and read the lateset on E.V.E.N.Ts creative director Roger De Leon aka Re:Flex please click here : RE:FLEX & Producer Kate Sullivan please click here:  KATE SULLIVAN.

Hope to all see you at Speak up!


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