Artist Company
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October SPEAK UP!

Hey AnD!

First off, we here at E.V.E.N.T. would like to congratulate Hong Kong as a whole, for really stepping up the creative scene here in the past few months. With companies like Alive not Dead, monthly events like Pimpin Aint Easy and SPEAK UP!, we have seen a real improvement in the city we all love to hate.

That being said, we  wanted to say thank you again to everyone who has shown support for E.V.E.N.T. in the last view months. Last Wednesday night was another wonderful success and Speak Up! is getting bigger and better! If you havn't been to one yet, in the words of Patrick Lee, "You are not my friend". Just kidding, but there is a little truth in that. We all hope that if you are interested in the arts, you too are working to do your part, even if it is to come down and enjoy a drink and a wonderful voice over the piano. Or Guy and a Girl doing their thing on the guitar, AMAZING!

A very special thank you to the alive not dead team for your constant support in the arts and belief in E.V.E.N.T. and SPEAK UP! We feel blessed to have a place to value the arts and be heard!

We showcased some incredible talent last week and are always looking to promote new artists. The next Speak up! will be held again at Philia lounge on November 5th. We are getting the line up together now so if you are interested in performing, send us a message or email us at info@artisteventscompany.com.

Special Thank You to all the performers from last week and everyone that got on the mic in a self riteous attempt to promote their work. Thats what were here for! Thanks to Heidi Mak and her crew, DJ Constant Lee, Guy and a Girl, Kai on the trumpet and especially the whole CB Fresh crew.

Remember, come out next month, look, listen, and SPEAK UP!

Here are a few photo's from the last one.


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Hong Kong
February 29, 2008