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Speak Up! event this Wednesday night- ALL ARTIST's!

E.V.E.N.T presents SPEAK UP! on September 1st

Hong Kong’s original artist networking night is back in Hong Kong this month celebrating HK feature film Supercapitalist in New York City. As always, there will be live entertainment and open mic sessions to promote yourself and your work!

Starting at 9:00pm. WEDNESDAY September 1st @ Philia Lounge.This is a FREE EVENT - feel free to bring your friends!

SEPTEMBER LINE UP:Trumpet player & DJ : Kai DjuricKai Djuric started playing Trumpet more than twenty five years ago. Since age of 8 has performed classical recitals and won awards at national music festivals. Since 1995 he has performed Jazz, R&B, Funk, Latin and Big Band music in Canada, States and Europe. In 2005 Kai moved to Hong Kong to perform regularly at JJ's, and has made Hong Kong his home. Kai has produced and directed projects that have performed multiple venues and jazz festivals (including Du Maurier international jazz festival, Toronto beaches festival).www.kaidjuric.com_________________________________Singer/Song writer Gregory MooreSinger/ songwriter from HK

"..I am a songwriter that has not written a song in years...I improvise until words stick...The concept of this project is to let the songs write themselves... Lately I have been focusing on a variety of ideas that deal with the mystery of the human soul; be it a killer on death row, a prostitute or a schizophrenic...and I also do less heavy stuff (Love songs etc...). I spend most of my time singing on the streets, abandoned beaches as well as the mountaintop hoping to find something sacred..."______________________________Singer / Rapper / dancer Anthony SovaAnthony Sova is an aspiring artist who has meshed his passion for entertainment with his fascination with the Chinese culture and language. Anthony (小苏) concentrates in rapping, hip hop dance, and acting, but has broad interests across the arts. ______________________________Indian Fantasy - Fusion Classical Indian Dance by Oxana BanshikovaOxana is a Bharatnatyam performer, teacher and choreographer from Kazakhstan.

She is a scholarship recipient of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and holder of a four-year diploma in Bharatnatyam Classical Dance from the world famous Kalakshetra College of Fine Arts (Chennai, India).

Oxana has performed and taught this dance form in India, Kazakhstan, and Armenia, and has been promoting Indian Classical and Fusion Dance in Hong Kong for the past three years through teaching Bharatanatyam to local and foreign students.

At present she is a director of Cosmic Dance Company and is working towards increasing awareness about this beautiful dance form by staging and choreographing Indian dances, conducting workshops and collaborating with other artists.www.cosmic-dance.comwww.oxana.tk_________________________________

***OPEN MIC SESSION - Artist's may promote themselves and their work during the open mic session

See our past E.V.E.N.T photos here by Eldenn Cheung:  http://www.fotop.net/Gma/EVENTSupport the arts! Visit our website todaywww.artisteventscompany.comE.V.E.N.T commercial: http://vimeo.com/8218074To find out about castings & events join our E.V.E.N.T facebook group here: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages&ref=mb#!/group.php?gid=9016121380&ref=tsQuestions and working with us please email E.V.E.N.T @: info@artisteventscompany.com

See you on Sept 1st - YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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February 29, 2008