叫個咩芝士太陽蛋腸公仔麵, 變左個芝士魚旦麵..
人民幣開戶行: 中國工商銀行北京分行東四南支行
人民幣賬號: 0200001009014413252
外幣開戶行: 中信銀行酒仙橋支行
外幣賬號: 7112111482600000209
捐贈熱線: 010-65139999、64027620(白天)
人民幣開戶行: 中銀北京科技會展中心支行
人民幣賬號: 8145—11681908091001
捐贈熱線: 010-62655199 (8:30—21:00) 中國扶貧基金會募捐倡議
上海市慈善...Read more
>捐款資料1. You can make earthquake donations through Chinese Consulate General in New York in the form of checks. Checks should be written as follows: Pay to the order of " Chinese Consulate General in New York", For " Earthquake Relief Donation". Checks can be sent to the Chinese Consulate General in New York either in person or by mail. Our mailing address is: Liu Lei, 520 12 th Ave, New York, NY 10036. Please leave us your name, mailing address and con...Read more