Bonus: The big ass tag
Went out with sick, tired as fuck.
Testing out the spot metering mode of my mobile phone camera which I didnt even know its existence...
Just re-checked the website of the super camera driver for SE750/800/810(kind of outdated models); including 16X zoom, custom ISO, spot metering, manual shutter speed and now even manual focus. Mad props for the author, all t...Read more
南京大屠殺 - 上卷: 長江淚南京大屠殺 - 下卷: 以血洗血
40天屠城 古都變煉獄
12月 13日 星期四 05:05AM
活埋斬首 30萬人遇害
日軍除殘酷屠殺無辜外,還肆意強姦、輪姦中國婦女。在...Read more