Early morning TV interviews are an interesting thing...especially when one does not get much sleep before them. Things come out of your mouth, but you do not know what is really coming out of it. Hopefully Sung & I said something intelligent since NTDTV viewership is beamed globally via satellite to over 1.3 billion people. I think Sung & I discussed the health benefits of a vegan diet...or our love for the Animal Planet's "Meekrat Manor"...or something...
Sung & I, though awake, are technically asleep. We walk, yet we know not how...
Afterwards we had a nice lunch at some sort of restaurant resembling a garage and then met up with McCaleb back at our Hells Kitchen pad. But before we got too comfortable, we had to head on out again to the Upper East Side to speak to about 250 folks at the ImaginAsian Theater. An FTG shout out to the peeps, you know what I'm saying? We felt like rappers on MTV's TRL.
By the time any of us knew it, it was late night. How time flies when you're on the road. For the first time in over a week, we actually could hang out and enjoy a nice dinner. We met up with our good buddy SuChin Pak (she was doing MTV coverage of the whole Britney Spears losing children thing all day) at what may have been one of the best Cuban restaurants I have ever been to (it's called Ideya). I think all of us really needed to unwind cause we went through like 4 mojitos each before the main course! Arriba! Candi, our production designer, showed up in all her blonde haired glory. We found out it was her birthday so guess what...another round of mojitos! Anyway, we shared a few laughs, ate some very raw meat, and then headed back home. Tomorrow we're headed to Boston!
I am caught in between a sexy sandwich of Sung & SuChin. Why does Sung look like he wishes to eat me?
"the older I get, the less I know..."