Nudity is a strange thing.
We are born naked, yet we spend most of our lives hiding our natural divine gifts. A naked child running around is considered cute but a naked man running around is considered criminal. Why? If we look to nature as an example, all animals big and small prance around without any form of artificial covering. They do not hide their butts, penises, or female butterfly regions. In fact, most of God's creatures don't even seem to be self-conscious at all in regards to their general state of buff.
In college, I attended a naked party (only one...really). At first I thought I'd be overwhelmed by skin, mostly fearing my biological reactions to those individuals that my DNA found fit to breed with. Within 30 seconds of entering this natural celebration, I found myself surprised. After the initial shock of diving into a sea of naked people, something very strange happened. The natural state seemed to just disappear. Instead of being distracted by the usual mental conversation "what does he/she look like under them designer outfits?", I found myself much more alert and attentive to everyone's personality and much more connected to any/all conversations. My assessment: clothing creates an artificial barrier between people that only serves to prevent smooth personal interaction and human connection. I could only imagine how many wars could have been prevented had all national leaders met in the nude. That fact alone would have drawn me to a career in international diplomacy...or marathon running.
So in honor of a world of less conflict and greater peace and human connection, I declare openly, "Let's get naked!" I, for one, will present this fig leaf in the form of a YouTube video. Though I am not fully naked in this fun little piece (that would require a link to PornTube and hence, a quick excommunication from this wonderful social networking site), I do sport some generous skin. And for those parts that would violate YouTube's decency policy, we utilize old and new technologies to present the whole package to the world.
Through nudity we shall unite.
World Premier on FEBRUARY 1st on Pay-Per-View & On-Demand
a romantic comedy by director Gene Rhee
Trailer - Video:
"the older I get, the less I know..."