全黑加件長身黑色大褸,圓形眼鏡特顯個性,露眉唔Gel頭要自然,著住對最愛AJ7 Retro,去尖沙嘴天橋底、垃圾站隔離嘅大排檔,飲杯絲襪奶茶,食碗靚牛丸牛根粗,落啲自家辣椒油,咬住支牙籤,再Show埋我隻新靚靚LEE Watch,呢個就係 #FATKING 版嘅「真。香港Hip Hop Style」
Big Thanks to @leewatchasia for the wicked watch! And @u3hk talent agency for hooking me up! #u3hk
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