Actually, the real figures are 18 (primary 1 places for 2009) out of 24 (anxious applicants)...i mean that's a good 75% chance of Avryl getting in.
Well, i'll find out soon enough...balloting's at 3pm coming thursday, CHIJ ( Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus )...i'm not telling which one though ;P
What i CAN tell is...
Hong Kong! Well actually, we'll be flying in to Macau on 25Aug 'cos i've wanted so much to revisit Macau Tower, and the ruins of St Paul...
Video: Video: ...before hopping on a ferry to HK, where we'll spend the next 4 days. The main mission will be to let Avryl experience Disneyland and Ocean Park, let the wife have her shoppping...and me? i definately wanna get my hands on some AnD memorabilia...and who knows? meet up with some AnD peeps and just chill. If anyone here's got gigs, performances, exhibitions going on between 25 - 29 Aug, please do let me know....i'd love to come see :)
I\'m just a working actor doing what I love and loving what I do. ............................ Q: Will my time ever come? A: Yes...I have to believe it w