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Fish Chaar
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5-day roundup...PART4

Day 4, 28 Aug 2008

The trip to Disneyland left my in-laws totally worn out. So it's just gonna be Avryl, my wife Denise, my sis Esther and me going to Ocean park.

We bought tickets at the booth right outside Admiralty MTR station's exit B and hopped on a doubledecker (629 was it?) right to it's door step...though i don't recall a temple being there 11 years ago

Wife, Daughter, Sis

It seemed that we have arrived at the entrance that is further away from the kiddie side of Ocean Park. Most of the rides we'd encounter first have a minimum height requirement of 122cm

We decided to forego a couple of rides and headed straight for a series of escalators up  the hill towards the Ocean Theatre, passing by Pacific Pier

i wasn't exactly sure what a pier was doing up on the hills till we got inside...

...even with Avryl's help, i still couldn't figure it out...

...but at least the seals were happy, one ontop of another...

...and Avryl was happy, on top of a seal ;P

Reaching Ocean Theatre, we were greeted by this beautiful mosaic dolphin...

...before being treated to some aerial acrobatics by real ones

The next sector had lots of fun rides...

...and games

Next up was my favourite...the giant aquarium

Next we saw some Chinese sturgeons...

...which  have somehow achieved National Treasure status...

...presumably for having been around since pre-historic times.

Next up, jellyfish

The scenic cable car ride that followed took us to the other end of Ocean Park  and...Kid's World

We still had 1 last area to cover, the Sky Fair. But there was something else i absolutely did not wanna miss and time was running short .  At 7.30pm, we made a mad dash for the Giant Panda Habitat. Unfortunately out of the 4 pandas they had, only 1 had not yet returned to it's room...

...but she was sleeping

We hung around, as the gallery emptied out, till we were the only four human beings left with the slumbering panda Jia Jia.

Just as we too were about to go....

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WR5hadLoC4 ....priceless :)

over 16 years ago 0 likes  15 comments  0 shares
yeah, we did. :) did you go there too raul?
over 16 years ago
Photo 23833
she is sooo cute....thanks for sharing...shy too! -=)
over 16 years ago
Oh I hate you man!!! I live near Ocean Park but you didn't call me!!!!! Okay just kidding~ when will you come to HK again?
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow! hangtime!
over 16 years ago
Photo 31454
see now thats more like it :P she's cute i was wondering where your daughter gets it hahahha aj/k man
over 16 years ago
Photo 31454
eh i can do that
over 16 years ago
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did you jump to get this pic? dang
over 16 years ago
Photo 31454
thats some sick shit
over 16 years ago
Photo 31454
ur daughter looks the same but you somehow don't quite look like yourself
over 16 years ago
patrick> i have to say, oceanpark hasn't got the hype like disneyland but it's still lots of fun and very educational :) etchy> if my memory serves me...they had a whale in the show last time i was there 11 years ago DY> - i thank you kindly...on her behalf :) - from solid ground maybe... - Denise took it from inside a ferris wheel -how'd you know the jelly wasn't feeling too good? ;P - hahaha!!!! you kill me man!
over 16 years ago


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