Official Artist
Fish Chaar
Actor , Stuntperson , Singer
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Fighting Spiders ep 7 (pt 1)

Suzie, the 'working girl', debuts:

Larry makes the introductions

Larry: This here is the new guy.

Back to business

Larry: How much did you make today?

Tony gets his first lesson on collecting:

Larry: They will tell you all kinds of stories...

Larry:...but the stories never begin with 'A long long time ago'...


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU1XBY10its Tony: Let me handle this.

Larry needed a smoke break anyways

Then it's back inside

Tony has done well

Larry: Good job.

Larry: Sometimes, we need to remind these girls just who is in charge here.

Like so:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuKIqqtowjg Back on the streets:

Larry: So, what do you think of Suzie?

Larry: Pretty sexy huh?

Tony: She's alright.

Larry: If you want, I'll let you have her.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBmJPFEm2j4 Annie (to Tony) : We are just friends.

Simon obviously doesn't feel the same

Larry breaks the awkward silence

Larry: You got a nice camera

Larry: Not cheap right?

Larry listens attentively

Simon (OS):.....and it's very good for potraits...

Simon (OS): ...it magnifies the subject, brings you up close and personal...

But Larry has other ideas:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR_ZNxT2Ao0 Larry: Tony, forget her.

Larry: We'll go back to Keong Siak Road...

Larry: ...where you can have your pick of as many girls as you want.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=483vET_2rw0.




Part 2 coming soon. Thanx for reading/watching :)

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
dude. i really wanna watch the videos. but youtube.com is not working in china right now ! so is there any other place i can watch them ?
over 15 years ago
nice shot !!!
over 15 years ago


I\'m just a working actor doing what I love and loving what I do. ............................ Q: Will my time ever come? A: Yes...I have to believe it w

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