Official Artist
Fish Chaar
Actor , Stuntperson , Singer
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This is the second time this week...

...i've been triggered to add a blog entry after seeing DY's. :P

These 'doctored' pics were pilfered from here:


(Sheylara aka Shen Qiaoyun is a very talented local actress/writer/blogger/gamergirl and good friend of mine. i'm pretty sure she wouldn't mine me taking liberties with her material :P)


In case there's any doubt....that's not me up there.

Though i did send in my pics for this job but unfortunately for me, my arms are too scrawny. So the next best thing to do was pass on the opportunity to the most suitable candidate i know of...my brother Frank. :)

Not only is he currently SG's 2nd strongest man ( x-refer to my blog dated Mar 16 2008), he's also quite the actor. He left quite an impression as 'Kim Mo' or Golden Hair in thes local movie 'S11'. Check out trailer :

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HaoFQztTmA

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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D.Y. has that affect on people! = )
over 16 years ago
D> u can say dat again :) patrick> gaiden! watever that means:P
over 16 years ago


I\'m just a working actor doing what I love and loving what I do. ............................ Q: Will my time ever come? A: Yes...I have to believe it w

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