Apparently, RAMU (the trade unionist from the previous scene) does have a price, $5000 to be exact.
Typical of those who have a price, he's back for more
"I need more money. The $5000 you gave me was not enough."
Factory owner KWAN HAN (that's me,standing) and his accountant, meets the union representatives NARESH (in blue) and RAMU (in yellow)
Shot this in April 2011
Video: Does it make you wanna be a cop?
Last Sunday, i went and got my hair coloured.
But little did i suspect that i would end up looking like this
Well at least i was not the only one
Goodbye Water World.
Hello Dry Land.
It's been a blast but time now to pick up where i left off in 2009.
Well first of all, ours is hardly your typrical 5-day work week.
Life at the Atoll has it's fair share of routines like...
...making sure our weapons are loaded...
...getting to know our fellow Atollers...
i'll save the word play and let this video do the talking....
i have been soooo DYING to blog about my work at WaterWorld.
So here goes.
Training for my role as Sage, leader of the Atollers, started on 8Nov 2010.
i am 1 of 4, in the first batch of Singaporean performers trained for WaterWorld.
That was a mere week before my 531st (give or take 5 to 10) and final show at Donkey 'Live'.
Seems like ages since i last made an appearance on the small screen.
And as the saying goes..."Out of sight, out of mind"
So here's a gentle reminder that Fish is still very much alive and kicking it...and not just at Water World in Universal Studios Singapore :P i slammed my face into the water while attempting a backwards half somersault. Now i have a aching right cheek and minor swelling of the right upper lip.
What a way to usher in the year of the rabbit....
Alright, you got me...i don't keep a diary. Never have, probably never will. Though i did mess up that half somersault :P
To you reading this lame attempt to spice up your run-of-the-mill New Year greeting...
I\'m just a working actor doing what I love and loving what I do. ............................ Q: Will my time ever come? A: Yes...I have to believe it w