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Ton Mak for ‪#‎GucciGram‬ Tian Ton Mak is a Shanghai- and Hong Kong-based illustrator whose work consists of “flabjacks,” round and jiggly figures that become a world unto themselves in Mak’s Instagram. “I am fond of four key things: elephant seals, fat, moles, and root vegetables,” she explains on her website. The drawings resemble all four, whether they’re doing yoga, practicing as cheerleaders, going on Tinder, or getting tied up. Mak sets the Gucci Tian print’s peaceful balance against her own doodles, with the print’s butterflies flitting around a loose, hand-drawn world of goofy bugs and chubby-faced flowers. Her flapjacks also take out some Gucci Tian shirts and dresses for a spin. — Kyle Chayka

Ton Mak是一位常駐上海和香港兩地的插畫家,其作品以圓圓胖胖、 體型古怪的「flabjacks」為主題,在個人Instagram上自成天地。她解釋道:「有四種特徵深得我心:象鼻海豹、肥胖、痣和根莖類蔬菜。」她筆下的角色都具備了這四種特徵,不論是在練習瑜伽、跳啦啦隊、用Tinder結識朋友或忙其他事情。Ton Mak將GucciTian圖案與她的作品完美融合,蝴蝶盤旋於慵懶怪氣的生物和圓潤的花朵之間,營造出平靜的和諧。她筆下的flapjacks亦亮相街頭,融入Gucci Tian恤衫和連衣裙之中。— Kyle Chayka

See more works here: gucci.com/guccigram-tian

over 8 years ago 243 likes  0 comment  0 shares


professional doodler, with a soft spot for fat happenings + thangs

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August 20, 2015
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