Official Artist
Gabe Lee
Actor , Singer
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No matter how busy I am, I’ve still gotta say Hi|再忙..也要上來打聲招呼|再忙..也要上来打声招呼


Filming of Love Fun & Momo Love is extremely hectic but fun~

Have been busy tanning under the sun everyday…

Mr Wu’s album recording has begun; keep a look out for it everyone!!

Have not stop exercising…back injury is getting better, can play ball again……Yeah!

Finished reading “Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell” & “Let the Right One In”, both are fantastic!!

Can check them out if you like reading fantasy stories

Khalil Fong missed the Golden Melody Awards again

Eason Chen got the Best Album Award Oh Yeah!

Shadya’s concert   Always filled with surprises ~

The bassist is really comical!! Even said sorry sorry ~

Congrats to Sphinx, he’s almost Boss Sphinx already (even though he’s just painting everyday)!!

Doris Bella…Go!!

Godfrey can switch career to be a DJ! Haha!

It’s been a long time   My apologies   But Gaby‘s still approaching each day’s work with a positive attitude!!

I’m gonna share tis secretly; it’s only gonna be released in Aug…

Cooling recipe : eclipse + ice cold green tea | updates>>>

拍愛放電 和 桃花小妹 忙得不亦樂乎~


吳先生的專輯錄製起跑 大家敬請期待!!

運動依舊持續.. 腰傷好很多,可以打球了......耶!

讀完 英倫魔法師 和 血色童話 都很棒!!



陳奕迅最佳專輯 喔耶!

藍又時的河岸留言 常常有很多的驚喜 ~

貝斯手也太搞笑了吧!! 還sorry sorry勒~

恭喜小丁賀喜小丁, 快要變成丁春誠老闆了(雖然每天都只是刷油漆而已)!!

Doris Bella...Go!!

高以翔快要轉行去做DJ了吧! 哈哈!

很久沒來 很抱歉 但蓋比每天還是抱著努力的心面對每一天的工作!!


消暑秘方: eclipse +冰冰的綠茶

| updates>>> 拍爱放电 和 桃花小妹 忙得不亦乐乎~ 每天忙着晒晒晒太阳... 吴先生的专辑录制起跑 大家敬请期待!! 运动依旧持续.. 腰伤好很多,可以打球了......耶! 读完 英伦魔法师 和 血色童话 都很棒!! 喜欢奇幻故事的朋友可以去找来看看:) 方大同还是跟金曲擦身而过:( 陈奕迅最佳专辑 喔耶! 蓝又时的河岸留言 常常有很多的惊喜 ~ 贝斯手也太搞笑了吧!! 还sorry sorry勒~ 恭喜小丁贺喜小丁, 快要变成丁春诚老板了(虽然每天都只是刷油漆而已)!! Doris Bella...Go!! 高以翔快要转行去做DJ了吧! 哈哈! 很久没来 很抱歉 但盖比每天还是抱着努力的心面对每一天的工作!! 偷放一张八月会出的... 消暑秘方: eclipse +冰冰的绿茶

about 15 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for the update!
about 15 years ago



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Member Since
November 19, 2007