Official Artist
Geoffrey Leow
Cinematographer / Camera Operator , Editor (Film) , Web / Multimedia Designer
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A animation we done in group b4!!

About 5 years ago, i with some friend to organize a team which doing an animation for tourist website introducing about Penang, Malaysia. But the team already die. One of the team member re-register the domain and reactivated the website d!! I still miss the time when we work together.

Here are some intro of our character. there have 3 animator work on this movie, and I am 1 of them which animate the character from hand drawing skecth.  Hope you all like it!!

Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/v/hVc6Tm1wg78&hl=en 

over 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares


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