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Geoffrey Leow
Cinematographer / Camera Operator , Editor (Film) , Web / Multimedia Designer
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Luvotion Films - Uniquely Penang Island

This is our 1st short film! hope you will like it!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybS9vnKXbJM

"Uniquely Penang Island" take place on an island called Penang, which was formally inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008. The film was shoot in black and white scene without any dialog and selected few remarkable locations that strongly represent Penang Island originally.

The "Moon Seeker" play by a mysterious man, visiting historic and popular landmark of Penang Island, while holding white balloon and releasing in designated locations, to represent love and peace toward human kind and mother earth.

The black and white scene to show the support toward energy saving. The non dialog to represent the support toward less noise pollution from industries. And the white balloon to show the support of saving our mother earth from pollution.

Song credit: Hang on Little Tomato by Pink Martini

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