George Shaw
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Beautiful Day to be Lost on an Island

Last weekend I spent a beautiful day soaking up the sun and breathing in magnificent views from a day trip to Santa Cruz Island. I only slept an hour the night before, but hiking in such gorgeous surroundings really energized me. Why was I so sleep deprived? Aside from that being the norm for a film composer...I was hired to score a PSA for the Formosa Foundation's fundraiser dinner, and I only had a single Friday to do it. I spent the entire day composing, except to take food breaks and to sneak out for a bit to catch a great concert/competition, Kollaboration Acoustic (Which my good friend Dawen won!).

I finally finished the music around 2am, and was in bed by 2:30am, but couldn't sleep for a long time and eventually drifted into sleep for about an hour before I had to wake up around 6:30am. My actor/musician friend, Paul Kwo, had planned the day trip to Channel Islands to celebrate his birthday, and I had to meet at his place by 8 am to carpool out to Ventura for breakfast and then take a boat out to the island for the afternoon.

Despite my lack of sleep, I was pumped up and excited once we stepped onto the boat. We hiked around the island for a few hours and saw some amazing views from a huge cliff overlooking the ocean. The entire time I was walking around, I still had the music I had written the day before still stuck in my head. So I knew it would make the perfect soundtrack for this video of my trip.

The highlight of the trip for me was when a large school of dolphins swam alongside our boat! I have 5 full minutes of video that I took of them just following along with us. Watch till the end of my video to see it.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxQABfmMiUM

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Music for Films


Los Angeles, United States
July 12, 2007