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George Shaw
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Movie Star for a Day!

I recently starred as a symphony conductor in a DTS commercial directed by my friend Ross Ching, only it wasn't an ordinary symphony orchestra. The concept was to have me conduct an orchestra of speakers. They set up each speakers around me, and exploded paint everywhere with vibrating speakers. It was shot in 3D at 500 frames per second (normal video is normally 30 frames per second) so the image could be slowed way down to make the paint droplets float through the air.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBvm4FZF8L4

Here's my behind the scenes video:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUSV13Q6T5M If you have 3d glasses, you can watch it in 3d here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6MWjuyThvQ Ross's detailed behind the scenes notes here:

http://rossching.com/dtsThe original vision was to have a stereotypical old conductor with crazy white hair, but they decided to go with a young and hip (I hope I'm hip) real life conductor and chose me!

Being on set was fun, and so different from my normal day of composing alone in my studio. I got to be a star for a day and everyone knew my name.
I even got my own trailer and had make up and wardrobe people fussing over how I looked all day. No wonder big stars get such big egos...The experience reminded me of when I when I got to be a rock star for a day for an MTV show!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcKKdVxepk0However, being an actor isn’t all glamor, it was also a lot of waiting around for that one minute on camera. They also used extremely bright lights to make the paint stand out on the 3d camera, and it only took a second in front of those lights before I would begin to sweat profusely. The make up artist was constantly wiping off the sweat and powdering my face. I've definitely never worn so much make up before!

As much as I enjoyed being the star for a day, I think I’ll stick with composing. Although one of my dream gigs would be to be a background musician on Glee (My favorite TV show). Many of my musician friends have been musician extras, so almost every episode I see faces that I recognize...I could definitely do that, I can play enough instruments to fill one of those spots!

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July 12, 2007