George Shaw
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These Four Walls

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7Vc4WeZQ38&feature=player_embeddedI am really moved by all the wonderful messages I've gotten from my fans about my music for Wong Fu Productions' latest film These Four Walls. And of the numerous comments on the youtube video, there have been many mentions about the music, but the most touching comment I came across is this:###"Someone I know was contemplating suicide. When she saw this video, though, the music, the footage, and the message it sent were just so beautiful that she changed her mind." It brought a tear to my eye to realize this film had such a profound effect on someone's life, and reminded me that we artists create so our works can move people.I also got many requests for the sheet music and mp3 downloads, so I am happy to announce that I have created a store on my website where the sheet music is available to download, and I will update the store with more of my sheet music very soonhttp://georgeshawmusic.com/Store.htmlAs for the mp3, I will be releasing my latest soundtrack album very soon, which will include the full score to Agents of Secret Stuff, These Four Walls, and feature bonus tracks from my many other collaborations with Wong Fu Productions. I'm hoping to have it out in February![](/attachments/2011/01/28/08/33866_201101280811071.thumb.jpg)

13 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
music changes people's lives! one piece at a time!
13 年多 ago
Photo 70570
IMHO, the music was what made this film... ssshhhh, don't let Wes know I said that, or else he'll cry...
13 年多 ago


Music for Films


Los Angeles, United States
July 12, 2007