Sorry for the bitching and whining in my last blog. I guess I'm the kind of person that when there's something to say and I know everyone else wants to say it. I'm probably going to be the first person to fire it out.I know most of the other bands feel the same as me, because I know most of the other bands. We play together, are friends and support each other where we can.I am happy to be labelled a rude asshole as long as what i speak for is truth.Our band doesn't just write songs about pussy or how much we hate people. We simply stand for truth and freedom. We are not fake, we don't bullshit and we don't let other people's opinions get in our way if we believe they are wrong. I have pride in myself to piss people off that do.Sorry to anyone I've indirectly offended or upset in anyway for speaking out. But when I think something is on everyone's breath and no one wants to put their neck out on the chopping block.I will be a martyr for honesty and integrity every time.I'm not even talking about the LP competition anymore. Just know that this is what Gong Wu stands for.Hope to see all the bands on the road soon!In Love and Pain, FBI, Cho Chuk Mo and Killersoap are my boys. I hope some of these guys get in the top 5! If you don't like our band, check these guys out before voting for your mates choice, Because these guys work hard in the local scene.
We slap the hardest funk crunching metal across the earholes of Asia.. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWU WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GONGWUBAND WWW.GONGWUBAND.COM