Sometimes the most amazing discoveries can be made just with scientific observation:
Nearly two years ago, when I was hosted at a home that was burned down by fire, it was an observation that has stuck in my heart (on the island within 20 feet from the ocean) and needing of a solution that didn't require water. I still remember blogging about this in AliveNotDead. It was so upsetting!! Why couldn't we stop it? Doesn't a unique fire retardant or fire inhibitor exist?!!! The answers were, "no, but that would be nice".
In watching re-watching movies like The Fantastic Four and the movie effects, I wondered if what they try to portray in graphical effects actually existed in a real substance that could inhibit burning? And then you put the thought and store it in the back of your mind.
And then 2 years later, this project arrives mid-week as if God heard the prayers of millions of fire victims. The Material and Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS) indicates this is LEED certifiable, a safe, a powerful and a realistic solution. Here is a video on Hartindo AF21's ability:
So why is an ingredient like this having problems? Like everything that has fallen apart relating to the housing market (new home construction, wholesale/retail etc), the economic collapse since last March 2009 literally halted their entry in the housing market. So while Citigroup, AIG and others got bailed out, businesses like these suffered. Politicians and financiers know very little about reading an MSDS.
We can only hope and pray that such wonderful discoveries are able to get to non-housing industries that could also use applications like these.
For me, I have personally agreed to take on this project since it has great implications that could save countless lives! And besides it would be fun to meet with firefighters and to use my intellect to help fight fires by inhibiting/preventing fires. =D
Pricing Comparison.
要盡心, 盡性, 盡意, 盡力愛主你的神 和愛人如己(Luke 10:27 NIV Bible) Dr. Gordon & Yourself: Solutions Together GY BLOG via AnD/google is the