Official Artist
graphicairlines GAL
Graphic Designer , Illustrator , Painter
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Not IN X'MAS MOOD exhibition

Just to have fun No matter who & when you are

postera02.jpg 一個不是慶祝聖誕的派對 照樣普天同慶狂歡的日子 每個節日帶給你的意義還在嗎? 是數天假期、飲飽食醉、通宵達旦派對狂歡或盡情掃貨?在這普天同慶的日 子來開一個不分晝夜、日子、目的和參與者的派對,一起來盡情享樂吧!

When:20-12-07 to 7-1-08

Opening party: 21.12.07 8pm till late , afterparty to follow 開幕神秘面具派對節目包括世紀大倒數及幸運大抽奬 歡迎自備派對道具

Where: kubrick-apm L6-1a, 6th fl., Millennium City 5 - APM, 418 Kwun Tong rd., Kwun Tong. opening hours: 13:00 - 22:00 mon-sun Enquiry:mail@graphicairlines.com

about 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


About Graphicairlines: Established in 2002, a creative team consists of 2 people, TAT & Vi. Our aim is to enjoy the voyage of life creation. Flying to dif

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 8, 2007