Dan Meyer
Animal Trainer/Handler , Editor (Film) , Producer , Stuntperson , Composer , Musician , Sound Engineer , Street / Graffiti Artist
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Jewell, we need one of these for Eiki when she works with Santa Jon Rogers!

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Who wants one of these for Christmas?

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ABSOLUTELY cool, just watch! From TEDxSingapore

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INSPIRING VIDEO: Dalai Lama: How to be happy (and fart on a plane). Brad, you and I are in good company!

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Watch this. Promise you will not be disappointed. Classic.

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I guess this kitty doesn't like spiders...

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Little girl has a hard time explaining to Mom why her cow is in the house.

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Carrot clarinet or "carrot-net" at TEDx Sydney. Awesome!

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I swallow swords, eat fire, and inspire others to do the impossible in THEIR lives. My purpose is to help others find THEIRS; What's YOURS?

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Location (City, Country)
Tampa, Fl
Member Since
August 22, 2014