Dan Meyer
Animal Trainer/Handler , Editor (Film) , Producer , Stuntperson , Composer , Musician , Sound Engineer , Street / Graffiti Artist
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Human-powered Ferris Wheel in India

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Found this while in Town visiting family. Think we might have gotten them hooked on Geocaching! They loved it! TFTC!

Things cats do

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America's Got Talent "Most DANGEROUS Act" viral video hits 21 MILLION views this weekend! Which number viewer are YOU? Please share!


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Viral video rolling over to 100,000 views soon! Which number viewer are YOU?


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Then God said, "I nominate Buffalo..."

Who needs Bluetooth? MacGyver would be so proud! And with a little duct tape, so would all my redneck friends! Then just imagine using garbage tubs...

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Bubble shows are always popular, but this is incredible!

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Ok, you can hate us if you want. I'll just fret by the pool...

Autocorrect - I'm almost in tears trying not to laugh out loud at a banquet!


I swallow swords, eat fire, and inspire others to do the impossible in THEIR lives. My purpose is to help others find THEIRS; What's YOURS?

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Location (City, Country)
Tampa, Fl
Member Since
August 22, 2014