Hannah Miao
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Sometimes I kinda wish i am not that dumb. Then I won't fall into traps like this. People mix in their love when they use you, it's stupid. You are the best when they need you, you are trash when they don't. Maybe after all I am not that much of a give-without-asking-for-return person, I guess? I see my dark side leaking. But then why would you continue to give unconditionally when you know all you are going to get is hurt? I see my dark side leaking fast. Yet, here I am. Stupid as always, naively believing that something called love still exists.

about 8 years ago 6 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Naive enough to hold faith in dreams | 我有很多脂肪 和一點喜感 | 在學習生活 | I grow, but never fully grown.

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June 29, 2015
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