Hannah Miao
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收到了收到了終於!!! 謝謝謝謝?????

ifreakinlovepostcards #japan #osaka #paperandink

8 年多 前 7 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

有天回到家,這小怪獸搖著尾巴咧著嘴巴愉快地來找我玩,可是那夜我沒有很快樂,進了房間關上門就自顧自流了一被子眼淚。 第二天,牠還是搖著尾巴咧著嘴巴愉快地咬著玩具走到我旁邊,我坐到地上,牠放下玩具,不停哄我的臉要用口水和口氣攻擊我,雖然真的很臭,但心都溶了。牠終於乖乖坐下來,我看著牠偶爾閃亮如波子的眼睛,忍不住問了一句: 為什麼我不能像你毫不猶豫地愛人?



8 年多 前 35 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Perfect way to start the day? Thank you whoever drew this, it's everything I need?

Starbucks #starbuckshk #mike #michaelwazowski #ahhhhhhh #thankyou

8 年多 前 24 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Sometimes I kinda wish i am not that dumb. Then I won't fall into traps like this. People mix in their love when they use you, it's stupid. You are the best when they need you, you are trash when they don't. Maybe after all I am not that much of a give-without-asking-for-return person, I guess? I see my dark side leaking. But then why would you continue to give unconditionally when you know all you are going to get is hurt? I see my dark side leaking fast. Yet, here I am. Stupid as always, naively believing that something called love still exists.

8 年多 前 6 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

會來看吧 1926年的香港在2016不常見喔 第五度公演了,每次故事都有所不同,而且一次比一次引人入勝 編 導 演 歌 詞 五項集於一人,不簡單 我的新嘗試:助導&和音 邊做honpro邊玩drama其實真有玩命的感覺 可是這團這舞台是我生命力的來源,坦白說,上學學不了多少,這裡卻每天有新知識轟炸腦袋,讓我看到自己更多不足更多有待改善的地方,讓我更明白虛心學習的重要。 他們都說要把學業放在第一位,某程度上我理解,可是如果教育的真諦是想我們求學不是求分數又真的學習到,我認為,我在劇團的學習效能比在大學要高出十億千萬倍。 哈,都是題外話了 反正業是必須畢的,過2星期便自由了! meanwhile,誠意邀請你看這齣我第一次看劇本便被觸動得哭了幾次的音樂劇! 絕對值得!

無限傳說 #新娘潭畔 #音樂劇 #舞台 #舞台劇 #legendinfinity #rightherewaiting #musical #hk #liveband #hkdrama #drama #21lifejournal

8 年多 前 21 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

With this crazy one? Who said we can't rewrite the script and memorize it right away? We love our primary school! Forever and always!!!!

wearepro #21lifejournal #3minsmc #welldonekids #imimpressed #mumsanddads #imeanteachers

8 年多 前 20 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Right time. Thank you for the second postcard, life changing?? 心有多大,舞台就有多大

ifreakinlovepostcards #quoteoftheday #taiwan

8 年多 前 17 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

For someone who doesn't get the chance to travel when everyone is away for vacation, postcard happens to be the best medicine. 收到了!!!謝謝綠茶控姊妹?能想像你吃了多少綠茶好味道食物?

ifreakinlovepostcards #itravelwithmyeyes #wheneillmylifebeign #imean #whenwillmyvacationbegin

接近 9 年 前 17 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Where did all the time go?! It's kinda amazing how we managed to meet like 13 years later? Have an awesome awesome journey in ??!

childhoodbestfriend #21lifejournal

接近 9 年 前 12 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Feels like my life is finally put together?

pcc #pacificcoffee #foodporn #eyecandy #nomnomnom

接近 9 年 前 6 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Naive enough to hold faith in dreams | 我有很多脂肪 和一點喜感 | 在學習生活 | I grow, but never fully grown.


June 29, 2015
Hong Kong, Hong Kong