thanks to the help of shepherds the weak for there time and effort not to forget to mention kevin as well, the band room is now a 2nd home to all of us!!! The STW boys and kevin have made the band room into a better jammin environment....Ummm...but the best part is the chill out room!..So with a shitty phone camera we just wanted to share with ya's on what it looks like now...With a little time and effort and a bit of team it is!!...we will upload more pics when we find a nicer camera..So give ur self a pat on the back STW and kevin for makin it happen!!!.....Also we would like to thank davy for givin us alot of his stuff to make da band room nicer!!...we love ya man!!!..santa claus is what glenn would call u....haha...| 感謝shepherds the weak花費時間的大力幫忙,也不能漏了kevin,樂隊房現在是我們的第二個家!!! STW男孩和kevin為樂隊房打造了更佳環境…恩…最好的是休息室!...用不清楚的手機相機先拍幾張,就為了讓大家看看它現在的樣子…只花了一點時間和努力,還有團隊合作…就完成了!!...找到好點的相機,我們會傳更多照片上來。感謝STW及kevin所做的這一切!!!...還要感謝davy提供許多他的物品,把這間樂隊房變得更好!!...我們愛你!!!...聖誕老人會呼喚你的…哈哈…
this is just a bit of da chill out room..| 休息室局部…
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