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harry lam
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It's been a long time i didn't write anything here since i got my iphone.

internet nowadays are really convenient us. Especially, people in fashion, entertainment & advertising industry. Today, a special day to me, i come across my blogspot and i write these words. I'm not sure if there's any people will see these words but i feel happy i'm writing it. (please forgive my poor english if you found any mistake inside....lol)

I have been working as a fashion stylist for 6-7 years already. I feel i'm lucky to have this job. this job let me learn many things; not just sth. about fashion and art, it also let me know how to communicate with different people, let me know how important is the responsibility, let me know how hard work you need to input...etc.

To many other people, my working field is pretty attractive. 'Yes, it is, indeed!' However, not many people can survive or many of them decide to stay at the same place/standard/level.

if you are still reading my words, i gotta say thank you, i'm very appreciated.

back to previous topic, surviving in the industry.

what's the different between surviving in the industry and working in the industry??

my simply answer is; if you are doing sth. you like then you are working in the industry.

how about you??


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over 12 years ago


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March 23, 2008