The older I get, the more I realize how much "luck" palys a role in my life. As Christian, it's sometimes difficult to admit the existence of luck as we ought to believe everything's in God's plan. Some Christians even describe being lucky is a by-product of God's blessings. I'm neutral on that point, although sometimes I do attribute my being lucky to God's watching over me.
What about "bad luck" then? Is God playing a trick on us?
Mr. Ng See Yuen (吳思源) has written a fabulous piece on "luck" from a religious perspective. Want to share with you:-
2010年1月18日 星期一
文:吳思源 〈 資深心理發展作家,從心會社社長〉
幾年前有齣名噪一時、拿了不少大獎的電影「迷失決勝分」(Match Point),由名導演活地阿倫執導,其中涉及的就是「運氣」這個課題。
The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck it goes forward and you win. Or maybe it doesn't and you lose.
又如你參加教會的周年聚餐,席上有抽獎項目,抽獎箱內有幾百張獎券,但偏偏給你的獎券被抽出,贏得一部高清電視機。基督徒習慣說一聲「感謝主」,但上主是否冥冥中動搖了抽獎嘉賓的手,叫他不由自主地取出你那一張?我想沒有人會說是。 你的中獎只是隨機,別人的不中獎也一樣是隨機,跟你們各人的行為德行無關,也不是上主在背後擺布支配,這也稱之為「運氣」。
承認「運氣」又是否排拒了上主,對衪不恭不敬呢?其實又不是。正如活地阿倫說, 當我們愈知道自己的許多得失只是來自運氣,我們才明白人生原來不是全靠自己 ─ 我們真的很渺小,很脆弱。但感謝上主,衪仍照管著我,給我力量和信念活下去 ─ 不論我的運氣如何。