Helen To - my official artist profile -alivenotdead.com
Official Artist
Helen To
Screenwriter , MC / Show Host , Author
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About Helen To

Helen To, Yu Fung, the well-known crazy girl in town, has done 2 seasons of the TV travel program, "Tokyo Walker" (released on Pay TVB Lifestyle channel and TVB J2). I'm the research writer/producer/host of this show! My job is to walk non-stop, talk non-stop, eat non-stop and shop-nonstop when I'm shooting in Japan. Checking out the Tokyo fashion scene and interesting trendy spots for people to visit!

I also published my first book "My Trendy Tokyo" last summer, and the latest pieces "My Trendy Tokyo 2" and "Backstage Tokyo" will be published on July, 2009, at the book fair.

And I also write weekly columns for MILK magazine and NewMonday magazine.

But most of all, my full time job is..... the leader of the Entertainment Department amongst my friends!!! heeheehee.... fun fun fun... this is all I'm looking for in my life-----FUN!!!!!

社會寄生蟲,從未對社會作出任何貢獻,一生貪玩、貪食、貪睡、貪靚。自小熱愛日本文化, 自學日文, 卻慘被送到加拿大讀書, 大學畢業後,如中六合彩般考獲日本文部省國費獎學金, 到東京國立御茶之水女子大學進修日本文學, 當了柴門文師妹, 破釜沉舟, 終於完成日本留學心願,。表面上研究日本文學及文化, 私底下努力鑽研日本時裝、娛樂及美食, 玩足年半。學成回港後當過日文翻譯及電影編劇工作,曾任有線電視節目「活得很滋味」資料撰稿, 無線生活台「流行東京」主持、資料撰稿及編輯,「風行東京」作者,及為MILK和新Monday撰寫專欄. 最新著作「風行東京2」及「遊魂東京」將於09年7月推出。

Interesting facts about Helen To

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Helen To
Traditional Chinese Name 杜如風
Simplified Chinese Name 杜如风
Member Since December 1, 2008
Fans 120
Profile Views 763,856


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin, japanese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
December 1, 2008