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Henry So
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Offensive Power Plays (Promo video for Advanced Match Training Group)

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW6zwfS7vE8Being offensive is more than just hitting the ball hard. It involves a lot of knowledge such are placement, shot selection, timing of attack, etc and definitely a strong mental game.

Feel free to enquire about our Advanced Match Training Strategy Group where we train specifically on offensive plays and other tactics..

Detail discussions on the offensive plays, also featured in the upcoming ATPCA  Advanced Level 2 course ( [http:// www.advancedtennisperforman ce.com/


a/c98q](http://www.advancedtennisperformance.com/#!coach-licensing-with-atpca/c98q)). Many thanks to all sponsors and all members of our team that contributed to this video. 

Any questions please feel free to comment or contact us directly on

(+852) 6135 7606, atpltd.tennis@hotmail.com,  or www.advancedtennisperforma nce.com.

almost 11 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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March 24, 2014