「道歉啟示」: 重映場音質及座談會取消事宜
抱歉因安排失當, 未能與觀眾在開場前向觀眾發言及問好, 以及後來映院因時間問題取消映後座談會, 並因現場聲音系統沒有作出仔細微調,
令電影聲量過大, 在此深表歉意。
雖然本人不能就是次事件負上責任, 盡我所能也只是能誠心向各位說聲抱歉。
或者本人太認真, 但連對待一心來支持電影的觀眾也不認真對待, 又如何叫觀眾認真地支持電影呢? 在要求別人尊重電影的同時, 我們不是也應該尊重觀眾嗎?
小時候就常聽, 禮貌地對待別人,別人才會禮貌地對待自己,所以抱歉,今晚失禮了。
也以後難得這樣的機會, 再向來看<烈日當空>的觀眾親口說聲:
謝謝你們, Enjoy the show.
我想說的僅此而已, 希望你們這晚過得快樂。
在被問到Why So Serious?的同時, 如果在該認真的時候不認真,我最看不起這樣的自己。
Apologies notice: Re-screening sound quality and after-discussion arrangement
To the audience of "high noon" re-screen:
We are sorry for the arrangement of yesterday night, that we can't making any speech and say hi to all of you. Also because of the house schedule that we have to cancel the discussion part, plus sorry for the sounds is too loud without careful fine turning.
Although I can't take response in this case, but I am trying my best to apologize sincerely.
Maybe I am too serious on this case, but if I am not take serious to the audience who support the film, how can I ask for the audience serious to the film? When we are looking for people respect the film, we should respect our audience.
When I am little, always heard that we should be polite to the others, and he will return you. Thus, I am sorry about that.
In this situation, hard to come by, again thank you, enjoy the show!
And that's it what I want to say, hope that you are enjoying.
This is the only way to past the message to all of you.
Someone ask "Why so serious?” In this serious moment, I will look down myself if I don't.
烈日當空.口碑載道.熾熱回歸!! 19/3起朗豪坊UA午夜場! 26/3起MegaBoxUA每天五場!