at 12:22pm on October 12th, 2008點解係3級....唔開心. <烈日當空>被電檢署列為三級的原因...
而是因為戲中主角「身穿校服」... 但行為違反/踰越社會所期望的青少年形象,例如未成年喝酒、吸煙,未成年發生性行為...將很容易讓青少年模仿...
Elaine Chan(Vancouver, BC) wrote
at 8:07am on October 1st, 2008Just watched the movie yesterday at the Vancouver International Film Festival, I want to say I really like the movie, I think it is a really good first attempt at a feature length movie. I can see the MV references you mentioned at the Q&A, and I liked how you used Juno Mak's pooru song, which content matches your film quite well. I also understand how the Hong Kong slangs are really difficult to translate, resulting in some viewers unable to understand the movie; but it was an "International" film festival, I find it reasonable to have cultural clashes for some. As a Hong Kong born Canadian recent graduate though, your film has really aroused my emotions; it becomes heart-breaking after what seems to be the funny, idle beginning. Good Job!
http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/news/deepintheheart/3/1308366786/20080624234213/ 【烈日當空】遠離【九降風】張開了自己的羽翼,麥曦茵投注了關於自己正經歷的青春滋味,戲謔之餘又能言之有物的表達不流於悲情黑暗的少年紀事,而
除了導演令人驚豔的編導功力之外,演員表現也非常出色,記憶中港片裡的影星形象多過於樣板,但這批年輕演員所呈現出來的能量都有其獨特之處,也許是因為新 鮮(大多數都是非專業演員),又或者角色設計有發揮空間,整體演出自然入微,在林耀聲身上彷彿能看到當年【牯嶺街少年殺人事件】中少年張震的影子。
烈日當空.口碑載道.熾熱回歸!! 19/3起朗豪坊UA午夜場! 26/3起MegaBoxUA每天五場!