High Noon
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Picture影片簡介從台灣吹至香港,清新詩意的<九降風>電影,由資深影人曾志偉監製策劃,變奏為熾熱激烈的香港篇-<烈日當空>。烈日當空理應無懼,陰晴不定本是人心──躁動不安的年紀,曖昧不明的悸動,2008活在當下的少年少女青春自白書。由年僅23歲的新晉女導演麥曦茵,跨越性別界限,破格編導、切身打造<烈日當空>下矛盾多變的少年世界;平均年齡17歲的九位實力新演員,演繹激發共鳴的香港青春殘酷物語。太陽底下無新事?預言將沒有冬天的香港,反常熾熱的十一月,青春事變,烈日公映!!*Film DescrīptionUnder the management of the experienced film producer Eric Tsang, the soothing Taiwanese movie, “Winds of September”, has been transformed to its passionate Hong Kong version, *“High Noon”.Although it is said that there should be no fear in the midst of high noon, it is common for the human heart to experience tidal emotions. Teenage is the stage that one experiences most uncertainties and bizarre feelings, “High Noon” documents the rise and fall of these teenage periods. The young director Heiward Mak superbly designs and directs the phenomenal film to authenticate the tough, insolent, and rebellious teenage race. Acted by a cast with the average age of 17, High Noon is guaranteed to provide you with a fresh and authentic perspective for the raging youth hood for youngsters in Hong Kong. The world is ever-changing under the rising sun. The new buzz says that Winter may soon fade away in Hong Kong. Under such a sizzling era, High Noon will swelter your hearts with the raging teenage minds under the November Sun.Picture故事大綱2007年,世界忙於迎接08奧運大事,香港學生最重視的戰役──中五會考在即,九個少年男女卻茫然站在成人與小孩的關卡,於網絡、短訊、物慾橫流的虛擬與殘酷現實中進退失據;躁動又脆弱的心靈惺惺相惜,烈日下坦然尋求青春專屬的愛與自由。太陽底下無新事?一次比一次荒謬的小故事卻悄悄平衡發生,由一條手機短片開始,眾人由互相依賴演變成互有芥蒂,由互相維護至互相猜疑;逐漸瓦解的友誼、一觸即破的愛情、家庭的羈絆,死與生的衝擊,瞬間磨蝕青春的菱角,把少年由放浪的自由國度拉回現實社會。嚮往燦爛青春的自由共同體,烈日下放聲吶喊,熾熱坦然的成長宣言!!年僅23歲的新晉年青導演,以跳脫幽默的手法,呈現今日香港少年人在憂郁陽光下汗水逆流,追逐燦爛青春卻身陷殘酷異境的成長故事。SynopsisWhile the world was welcoming for the Beijing Olympic Game, students in Hong Kong were busying to combat with the battle: O-level exam. 9 characters, in their adolescence age, were lost in the virtual and cruel reality that filled with sms, internet and materialism. The brittle and impetuous souls were touched by each other, with love and freedom that exclusively belongs to the youth. Crumbled friendship, frail love affair, complicated family, strikes between life and death, wear away the teenager’s heart in split second! Crying out loud for the aspiration to freedom under the sun! Honestly rise in the High Noon!Both humorous and heartbreaking, this ablaze and bright story of growing up is written and directed by 23 years old only female director, Heiward Mak.

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烈日當空.口碑載道.熾熱回歸!! 19/3起朗豪坊UA午夜場! 26/3起MegaBoxUA每天五場!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
September 30, 2008