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【#Cinefan 電影推介】❤️️愛,有罪? Love is right or wrong? ⚖ . ?‍⚖️清官難審家庭事,感情問題,法庭能否一錘定音?《#碧姬芭鐸浪漫史》由與希治閣齊名的法國驚慄大師克魯索執導,以情殺案中芭鐸的吶喊,對社會偽善與陳腐作出控訴;殺人有罪,但愛人何罪之有? . 《#克藍瑪對克藍瑪》夫妻離婚對簿公堂爭奪兒子撫養權;若然愛兒,又何苦要稚子站於證人台在父母之間作出抉擇?是與非不是黑白分明,情與愛亦是難定對錯。? . ?‍⚖️ Who can be the judge to decide whether love is right or wrong? Brigitte Bardot is Dominique, a passionate girl who is charged with murdering her lover of a tumultuous relationship

Dustin Hoffman is Kramer, a workaholic who regains his fatherhood during a custody battle with his divorced wife for his young son. If love is a crime, the...Read more

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【#CineFan 9、10月電影推介】?‍⚖️ 社會公義 vs 程序公義 Social Justice vs. Procedural Justice ?‍⚖️ . ⚖在9月8日舉行的「逍遙法內:真相的辯證」座談會,影評人陳志華和張偉雄談到法庭電影類型多變,可糅合政治、懸疑甚至喜劇元素,五、六十年代的美國法庭片更別具社會意義。 . 《#怪屋疑雲》的律師是覺醒的代表,敢於挑戰種族歧視,推動社會改變✊;相反,《#桃色血案》卻呈現程序正義未必保證裁決正確?。兩種不同面向,同樣展現非凡戲劇張力。 . ⚖ In the seminar of “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: In Search of the Truth” held on 8 Sep, critics Ernest Chan and Bryan Chang said courtroom drama is a versatile genre that can crossover with political thriller, suspense and even comedy, and serve as a reflection on social value of the time. . TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD represen...Read more

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【#Cinefan 通告】 ?辦公時間更改 Change of Office Hour ?? . ? 於9月24日 (中秋節),親臨香港國際電影節協會辦事處領取會員證及電影節發燒友會籍申請的服務時間,將更改為上午10時至中午12時。不便之處,敬請原諒。??‍♂ . ? The office hours for collection of Cine Fan Privilege card and registration of Cine Fan Privilege Scheme at HKIFFS office will be changed to 10 am - 12 noon on 24 September (Mid-Autumn Festival). We apologize for any inconvenience caused. ??‍♂ . ?更多詳情查詢:https://bit.ly/2po7Bvz

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【#Cineialiano 意大利電影週推薦 】?? 女人當自強 Be a Strong Woman ✊ . 比 #MeToo 與 #Timesup 運動更早,《#燦爛人生》導演馬高泰尼奧佐丹拿三年前已構思好故事為女性發聲 ?,《#抗爭天使》如今上映來得正合時宜。老闆沉迷制服誘惑,在神父包庇、同事杯葛下,單親媽媽堅持抗爭。姊姊妹妹站起來,向性騷擾說不!? . “I wanted to tell the story of a brave female character," said Marco Tullio Giordana, the award-winning director of THE BEST OF YOUTH, who conceived the story about sexual harassment in the workplace three years ago. In the era of #MeToo and #Timesup, NAME OF A WOMAN arrives timely as a manifesto of rebellion, renewing awareness of the dignity of women.? . 《#抗爭天使》(20/9 & 23/9) : Read more

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【#CineFan ? 電影金句 Movie Quote ?】 . 「哪種法律規定只因性別所致,女人就比男人更會照顧孩子?」- 泰德克藍瑪 . “What law is it that says that a woman is a better parent simply by virtue of her sex?” - Ted Kramer . 《 #克藍瑪對克藍瑪 》男主角克拉瑪先生在法庭內的回應帶出了一個問題 ?:男主外,女主內是必然的?看畢這套戲的人可能會有不同的想法。? . In KRAMER VS. KRAMER, Mr. Kramer's response brought out a question ?: Male should be a breadwinner while a Female should be a caretaker? After watching this film, you may have different viewpoints. ? . 《 克藍瑪對克藍瑪 》KRAMER VS. KRAMER: https://bit.ly/2NSzSIl . ?節目詳情及購票 Progr...Read more

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【#CineFan 電影推介】 ? 褒曼的電影美學 Bergman's Aesthetic of Film ? . 9 月2日舉行的 #英瑪褒曼 座談會,影評人劉嶔及馮嘉琪談到「#沉默三部曲」是大師藝術生涯的轉捩點?,與藝術理念一致的攝影師Sven Nykvist開始合作無間,採用室內劇結構,減少角色,以柔和灰調的自然光、流暢的鏡頭運動,締造現代簡約風格的電影美學。 其後的《#哭泣與耳語》及《#秋天奏鳴曲》,盡用幽閉場景的有限空間,以飽和色彩作實驗探索 ?,前者更一舉摘下奧斯卡最佳攝影。? . In the Ingmar Bergman seminar held on 2 Sep, critics Lau Yam and Kiki Fung said the Silence of God Trilogy marked the master’s new focus on a series of impacted ?, emotionally charged chamber dramas with cinematographer Sven Nykvist – employing minimal characters, natural lighting and a restraint style that create a di...Read more

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【#Cinefan 通告 】 ?服務暫停一天 Temporary Service suspension ?? . ⛔️ 因特別活動關係,所有於香港國際電影節協會辦公室領取會員證及電影節發燒友會籍申請之服務, 將於2018年9月18日(星期二)暫停一天,不便之處,敬請原諒。??‍♂️ . ⛔️ For a special event, the collection of Cine Fan Privilege card and registration of Cine Fan Privilege Scheme at HKIFFS office will be temporary suspended on Tuesday 18 September 2018. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. ??‍♂️ . ?更多詳情查詢:https://bit.ly/2NMqu98

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【#Cineitaliano– ⛈惡劣天氣下之放映安排 Screening Arrangement Under Inclement Weather Conditions ?】


P.S. 再提提大家Cine Italiano 之放映安排 ????

Typhoon Mangkhut has arrived! Bring your umbrella when going out. Take care & stay safe!

P.S. reminder for the arrangement of screenings of Cine Italiano ????

More details: https://bit.ly/2QwFDd4

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【#號外 - 犬世界與拿坡里 略談意大利電影周】


? 兩種截然不同的角度,哪個才是你心目中的拿坡里?

?節目詳情及購票 Programme & Ticketing: https://bit.ly/2wZYQel

=============================== 溫馨提示:惡劣天氣下之放映安排 Screening Arrangement Under Inclement Weather Conditions: https://bit.ly/2QwFDd4


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【#CineItaliano – ??當意大利遇上香港 When Italy meets Hong Kong??️】 . 感謝康城影帝馬些路方堤和導演法贊奧斯帕特來到香港國際電影節協會進行訪問❣️ . ? 兩種不同的電影、文化和食物在同一交叉點上相遇?,會產生甚麼化學反應?? . 當馬些路品嘗到香港的蛋撻和凍檸茶時,我們亦「品嘗」到他從意大利帶來的電影《Dogman》?;當法贊奧斯帕特與我們在HKIFFS相遇,我們看到拿坡里。想窺探他眼中的拿坡里?記得到戲院欣賞明天或後天的《#情迷拿坡里》及映後問答環節,他會現身親自給你答案。? . 心動?? 不如行動:https://bit.ly/2p4EcGx . Thanks award-winning Actor Marcello FONTE and director Ferzan ÖZPETEK came to our office for press interview ❣️ . ? We crossover on films, on cultural exchange and on food. When Marcello enjoyed our egg tart and lem...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009