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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – ??恭喜翻滾男孩李智凱贏得亞運金牌!Congrats to Lee Chih-kai for winning at Asian Games??】

??恭喜李智凱昨天翻出台灣史上第一面鞍馬金牌!剛巧星期日有一場《翻滾吧!男人》放映,一起重溫他追逐奧運夢的過程 ?

?節目詳情及購票Programme details and ticketing: http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/movie/jump-men/

夏日國際電影節 #翻滾吧男孩 #翻滾吧阿信 #翻滾吧男人 #jumpmen

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 余香凝提提大家 Reminder from Jennifer】


5️⃣ days left‼️ Act now‼️

?️節目及購票詳情 Programme & ticketing details: http://bit.ly/2LhZPvH

夏日國際電影節 余香凝 Jennifer Yu

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【#SummerIFF #CineItaliano – ?延續意大利熱 NON-STOP heatwave from ITALY? 】

? #夏日國際電影節 最後一股熱浪,由康城得獎作《#睡王子的快樂傳說》的現代寓言圓滿作結,導演諾宜娃查以魔幻寫實詩意重拾善良快樂的真義。南歐清風將由??️意大利電影週 Cine Italiano! 承接,獲奬無數的驚慄片〈#Dogman〉率先於9月13日揭開序幕,《#情迷拿坡里》、《#槍聲夢裏人》等共八部佳作,延續光影魅力。

The heatwave of SummerIFF twirls into a cool breeze in the closing film HAPPY AS LAZZARO by Alice Rohrwacher – a fascinating modern fable in the striking poetry of Italian neorealism. Continuing the magic is ??️Cine Italiano!, to be kicked off on 13 Sep with the crime thriller DOGMAN, followed by seven delights including N...Read more

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?️節目詳情及購票 Programme & Ticketing: http://cinefan.com.hk/movie/wait-until-dark/

夏日國際電影節 #CineFan #SummerIFF #waituntildark

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – ?《非同凡響》映後座談會 DISTINCTION's Post-Screening Discussion】

?《#非同凡響》昨晚放映後導演 #歐文傑 以及三位演員 #谷祖琳、#余香凝 及 #岑珈其 出席座談會,並分享拍攝趣事。當談及到這套電影的主題時,歐導演表示社會對特殊人士有著刻板印象,人們會以不同的態度看待他們。他希望透過這部電影改變大眾對他們的固有看法,並欣賞他們的非同凡響。?

? After the screening of #DISTINCTION, director Jevons Au and three leading starring Jo Koo, Jennifer Yu and Kaki Sham attended the post-screening discussion and shared interesting stories about their shooting. During the discussion, director Au pointed out that there are stereotypes on disabilities and sometimes people treat them diff...Read more

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF 紀錄片都可以起革命?Documentary brings Revolution??】

?論紀錄片的社會影響力,大師艾路摩里斯作了最佳示範。《#一線之差》史無前例推翻寃案,令差點被送上死刑台的無辜者重獲自由;《#時間簡史》則完美捕捉年初去世的曠世奇才霍金之殿堂級理論。? . ? 8月25日及26日設映後談,影評人藍天雲及劉嶔為你分析大師如何以鏡頭探索真實。 . ?"Truth hasn't been obliterated, much as they would like to try, politically." A pioneer documentarian, Errol Morris has made history with THE THIN BLUE LINE that prompted the retrial and acquittal of a convicted person, and captured the incredible wisdom and groundbreaking theory of the late astrophysics genius Stephen Hawking in A BRIEF HISTORY ...Read more

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF – 大館賽馬會立方飲食地圖 Food & Drink Guide near JC Cube, Tai Kwun】

在大館放映前後,想迅速醫肚?可參考我們為電影節影迷度身訂造的飲食地圖!?精選的幾間餐廳或便利店價格相宜,亦提供外賣。最快的選擇是經紫荊樓閘去最近的7-11便利店,或去大館內的「輕。快翠」(營業時間至晚上8點)。??時間充裕的話,可到奧卑利閘和行人天橋閘附近,會有更多選擇! 如果你也有一張電影節期間至愛的餐廳名單,歡迎留言開心share!?

A food & drink guide custom-made for our audience! ? If you are going to our screenings held in JC Cube of Tai Kwun, you may want to try out these quick and affordable eats nearby. The quickest options are 7-11 near Bauhinia House Gate and MaoMaoEat inside Tai Kwun (open till 8 pm). ?? If you have mo...Read more

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【#HKIFFS - 搬遷通告 We're moving】


Attention please?? The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society will move to 8/F, The Rays, 71 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong starting from 3 September 2018. Please take note of that if you have plan buying books or picking up Cine Fan membership cards at our office ??

?詳情 Details: http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/detail?id=266

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【#CineFan #SummerIFF - 第五代導演的修復傑作 Restored Classics of the 5th Generation】




Two crowning achievements of the Firth Generation of Chinese filmmakers – YELLOW EARTH by Chen Kaige and THE HORSE THIEF by Tian Zhuangzhuang stunned the international cinema with their striking landscapes and ground-breaking aesthetics. Now resto...Read more

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【#CineFan 真相是否愈辯愈明?Fight Your Way to the Truth!】


? Some of the most fascinating thematic elements in film – whodunit, the pursuit of truth, or reflection on justice – are contained in courtroom dramas, featuring crusading lawyers as in ANATOMY OF A MURDER and TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD; moral dilemmas as in THE TRUTH, MUSIC BOX and KRAMER VS KRAMER; as well as a gripping look at what “reasona...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009