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?【#HKIFF42】書刊特賣場重點推介:第42屆香港國際電影節特刊、《雲外笑紅塵—林青霞》專題特刊及 Moleskine 林青霞特別版記事簿(紅白兩色,白色為限量版)。這幾天來香港文化中心購買,會有特別優惠!只收現金,請自備環保袋。 Must-buy items at the book sale: HKIFF42 Main Catalogue, “Brigitte Lin, Filmmaker in Focus” and her two special editions of Moleskine notebooks (in red & limited white versions). Cash only. Please bring your own shopping bag.

?30/3 3:00 - 7:00 pm, 31/3 & 1/4 3:30 - 7:30 pm ?香港文化中心二樓 2/F, HK Cultural Centre

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF #Moleskine #林青霞 #BrigitteLin

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?️【#每日影訊】台前幕後平均不到25歲,年輕導演枝優花首部電影《少女邂逅》前天舉行世界首映,導演與一眾演員出席映後談,大受觀眾歡迎。到每日影訊,重溫映後談內容:bit.ly/2pQuTL3 下一場放映:今晚 8點 香港‬文化中心

After the world premiere of GIRLS' ENCOUNTER on 28 March, director Eda Yuka and the cast discussed with audience members their ideas behind this coming-of-age story. Click the image below to read more. Next screening: 8pm at Cultural Centre tonight.

?更多每日影訊 More Festival Daily articles? http://www.hkiff.org.hk/news/daily

HKIFF #HKIFF42 #香港國際電影節 #少女邂逅 #girlsenco...Read more

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VR 電影《家在蘭若寺》場地佈置中!想看更多花絮,請前往IG story (@hkiffs) Setting up for THE DESERTED screenings! Find out more on our IG story (@hkiffs)

hkiff #HKIFF42 HTC VIVE ZOTAC Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學

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?【#HKIFF42】說到林青霞反串,大部份人只記得《笑傲江湖II 東方不敗》,可是大美人早在《金玉良緣紅樓夢》已變身寶哥哥,導演徐克則在港片《#刀馬旦》首次找他女扮男裝,比男生更帥。林青霞在兩年後主演許鞍華執導的《#今夜星光燦爛》,分別和一對父子展開兩段戀情,故事跨越20餘年,演18歲與38歲時同樣應付自如。《刀》和《今》均在明天下午於科學館放映。 ??林青霞將出席星期六下午5點於香港文化中心舉行的名家講座。免費入場。

Brigitte Lin’s pioneering androgyny is best remembered for her role in Tsui Hark’s SWORDSMAN II in 1992, but her unique combination of masculine charm and feminine elegance has actually been captured in the director’s earlier work, PEKING OPERA BLUES. Lin’s versatile talent was also demonstrated in Ann Hui’s STARRY IS THE NIGHT, in which she portrays ...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42】《少女邂逅》一眾少女魅力沒法擋,昨晚令在場觀察都瘋狂起來呢~主演之一Motola世理奈將參與明天於香港文化中心的映後談,放映在晚上9點開始。 . The girls from GIRLS’ ENCOUNTER were surrounded by many audiences last night! Motola Serena will also attend the post-screening Q&A tomorrow. Screening starts at 9pm at HK Cultural Centre.

?️ http://www.hkiff.org.hk/film/detail/id/245

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF #少女邂逅 #girlsencounter #枝優花 #edayuka

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提提你,聽晚有場 SWAROVSKI 紀錄片 WATERSCHOOL 免費放映。 Reminder: Free screening of WATERSCHOOL presented by Swarovski tomorrow night!

▶️ 30/3 | 7:30 pm | The Grand Cinema ?️門票將於開場前30分鐘免費派發,每人限取一張,先到先得,派完即止。Tickets will be available to the public 30 mins prior to the screening on a first-come, first-served and one-ticket-one-person basis.

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?【#HKIFF42】對香港影迷來說,每年的復活節長假就是一日跑幾場電影節放映的時候。如果還沒排好3月29日至4月2日的時間表,可以參考我們圖中的推薦~ 溫提:學生門票一張只售$28

The 4-day long weekend is coming soon, so we think it's the right time to recommend some films for you! If you are a local full-time student, don't forget the student discount. #happyfilmfestival

?️ http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

香港國際電影節 #HKIFF

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?【#HKIFF42】 完成大師班後的原一男導演 ??年逾古稀的原一男,對社會的不公義仍然滿腔怒火,對電影拍攝依舊懷抱熱誠。或許正是這一種對生命的熱愛,讓他看來比實際年齡年輕得多。 After the master class at Arts Centre meow The reason why Hara still looks so younger at the age of 73 is that he remains dedicated to following his passions and tearing down taboos. . ▶️《祭軍魂》 THE EMPEROR’S NAKED ARMY MARCHES ON 6/4, 9:45 pm, The Grand . ▶️《極私愛慾.戀歌1974》 EXTREME PRIVATE EROS: LOVE SONG 1974 7/4, 5:00 pm, The Metroplex .

香港國際電影節 #hkiff #原一男 #harakazuo

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【#CineFan】利維特,驚喜不絕! Jacques Rivette, Surprises Never End!

積葵利維特,每每在出奇不意之處,令人驚艷,即使已去世兩年,仍然驚喜不絕!電影節放映的《利維特短片習作》,三部無聲黑白短片在他逝世後曝光,十六米厘「反轉片」影像,在敘事與場面調度上大膽嘗試;同場放映首部有聲短片《棋高一着》,盡現大師的實驗精神。影癡最愛的《不羈的美女》,四小時足本的新修復版更攝人心魄。接續於Cine Fan 五月上映的《不羈的美女:嬉戲曲》,將前作的畫面、剪接、調度重新編排,前後對照,更見脫胎換骨。還有《勾魂十三:幽靈》,重新架構四小時的版本,繼續探索故事的建構與再生,令人拍案叫絕。

Always mysterious and unpredictable, Jacques Rivette’s magic didn’t stop even after he’s gone. JACQUES RIVETTE: PRACTICE FILMS includes his first three short films, all silent and filmed on 16mm reversal films, resurfaced after his passing and are...Read more

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? 為了更方便各位影迷,香港國際電影節協會推出手機應用程式,全年適用,片單、放映場地、時間表都一覽無遺。立即到 App Store 或 Google Play 搜尋 "HKIFFS" 下載啦!

Tailored to the needs of festival-goers, our film festival app covers HKIFF, SummerIFF, and Cine Fan programmes. Search "HKIFFS" on App Store/Google Play and get the app now!

? www.hkiff.org.hk ? Instagram: @hkiffs ? 訂閱電郵通訊 Join our mailing list! www.hkiff.org.hk/news/eNewsletter

香港國際電影節 #電影節發燒友 #夏日國...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009