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[Festival Daily] Though Hara Kazuo has been known to wield the camera as a tool of righteous aggression, in SENNAN ASBESTOS DISASTER, his camera is more observational and reactive. Why such a change? Find his answer at the link below, or watch the full video on our YouTube channel!

?每日影訊全文 Read more on the Master Class? http://www.hkiff.or...Read more

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?【每日影訊】除了紀錄映後談的精彩內容,電影節的編輯亦會與多位參與 HKIFF42 的導演進行專訪,首先登場的是《水底行走的人》導演陳安琪! 被問到《水底行走的人》為何值得入場觀看?導演陳安琪說:「這部電影除了拍黃仁逵,亦捕捉了他身邊的人文風景。甚少電影會呈現這個小眾的角落,但這片風景是多麼精彩,這裏的人又是多麼值得我們敬仰。我希望觀眾可以入場感受本土人文藝術的魅力。我為這個屬於香港的波希米亞角落而感到自豪。」點擊以下連結,閱讀專訪全文。 ▶️下一場:今晚 9:45pm 星影匯(設映後談) *門票於戲院有售

[Festival Daily] We've talked to Angie Chen on her filmmaking journey for her latest documentary about artist Yank Wong. Chinese version of the interview is available on Festival Daily now. English version will be ready soon. ▶️Next screening: 9:45pm tonight, The Metroplex (w/ Q&A) Tickets are availa...Read more

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?【每日影訊】從無人不識的巨星,到成為階下囚,繼而在1982年奪得康城金棕櫚獎,尤馬茲瑾尼的一生已是一個傳奇。其金棕櫚得獎作品《自由之路》以囚犯回家之路,尖銳批判軍政府時期的土耳其社會。他的自由抗爭亦啟發了同為庫爾德族的年輕導演胡賽因塔貝克,在紀錄片《醜天王傳奇一生》追尋他的足跡,向這位電影巨匠致敬。點擊每日影訊連結,閱讀《自由之路》監製 Donat F. Keusch 與觀眾對話紀錄。 ▶️《自由之路》下一場:今天 7:15 pm 星影匯 ▶️《醜天王傳奇一生》下一場:明天 7:15 pm 星影匯 ?️Keusch 亦將於兩場放映前與觀眾會面

[Festival Daily] Once a superstar, Yilmaz Güney, rose to the ranks of legendary filmmakers in 1982 when YOL became the first Turkish film to win the Palme d'Or at Cannes. Using the treks of prisoners to unfold the political, military and social repression, the film marked a pivotal mom...Read more

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??【#HKIFF42】施華洛世奇呈獻的紀錄片 #WATERSCHOOL 將於3月30日作 #免費放映。 該紀錄片講述六名分別居住於亞馬遜河、尼羅河、密西西比河、多瑙河、恆河和長江的女孩認識水和水資源的可持續性,並利用他們所學來保護各自的社區和家園。

In collaboration with HKIFF, Swarovski presents its documentary, WATERSCHOOL at a special #FREE screening to be held on 30/3. The documentary is about six girls living along the Amazon, Nile, Mississippi, Danube, Ganges, and Yangtze Rivers, who learn about water and sustainability and use their knowledge to protect their communities and homes.

▶️ 30/3 | 7:30 pm | The Grand Cinema ?️門票將於開場前30分鐘免費派發,每人限取一張,先到先得,派完即止。Tickets will b...Read more

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?【每日影訊】 《兩生同棲物語》導演清原惟聯同編劇加藤法子、演員安野由記子及大沢まりを在3月23日首場放映後與觀眾交流。片中出現了一個盒子,到底藏着什麼?「每次放映都有觀眾問這條問題。」清原惟微笑着回答。「我雖然有自己的想法,但我不想視之為唯一的答案告訴各位。不然,你就會覺得那才是『正確』答案,停止尋找,失去興趣甚至失望。我寧可每個人都自己去想像,那才是屬於你的答案。」點擊每日影訊連結,閱讀全文。 ▶️ 清原惟及劇組今天 5:00 pm 將再出席放映,與觀眾會面。門票於the sky 有售。

?[Festival Daily] "There are two independent stories happening at the same time, in sort of parallel worlds. Both take place within the same house. It was like making two separate films. And like the characters from the two worlds, the two casts never met until the film’s preview." Kiyohara Yui, the direct...Read more

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??【#HKIFF42】每年的電影節除了欣賞好戲,亦可到書刊特賣場揀本好書,了解影人影事。明天下午去科學館看《愛殺》或聽「雲外笑紅塵──林青霞」座談會的觀眾,在演講廳入口處順便看看最新出版《雲外笑紅塵──林青霞》和第42屆電影節特刊吧!去年深受歡迎的《十年再見 楊德昌》和不少特價刊物也會發售。

“Read, read, read,” said Werner Herzog. Our Book Sale is probably the best place for our festival-goers to stop by between screenings. If you are coming to Science Museum for LOVE MASSACRE or the seminar on Brigitte Lin at Science Museum tomorrow, stop by our Book Sale at the entrance and grab a copy of the new publication: “Brigitte Lin, Filmmaker in Focus”! The new HKIFF42 Main Catalogue, and other bestsellers on...Read more

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?【每日影訊】 本在倫敦過安穩生活的年輕學生,突然投身恐怖組織,跑到巴基斯坦山區受訓,在新德里綁架歐美遊客,策劃謀殺《華爾街日報》記者。看到奧馬爾的殘暴不仁,觀眾不禁疑惑:到底是什麼驅使人走上成魔之路?《奧馬爾成魔之路》導演漢沙爾默塔在3月22日於the sky的放映後,說希望透過電影探討政府扶植的恐怖主義。 ▶️ 下場放映︰今晚 7:00 Festival Grand Cinema(觀眾今天可在戲院買票)

?[Festival Daily] "When I first heard the story in 2005, I was fascinated by Omar and his complete lack of conscience—at least as we see it,” Mehta told audiences on 22 March after the screening of OMERTÀ at the sky cinema. But for writer/director Hansal Mehta, nothing is ever black and white. Full article on Festival Daily. ▶️ Next screening: 7pm ton...Read more

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【#HKIFF42】電影節不只是影迷的盛會,還是世界各地電影人相聚的地方。一班至醒的影人昨晚於掌門精釀啤酒飲勝,交流創作心得。出席嘉賓包括《奧馬爾成魔之路》導演漢沙爾默塔、《哪一天我們會死》監製Donsaron Kovitvanitcha、《寫我小心情》監製John Torres、《天星小輪》導演廖沛毅和《迷失愛與痛的邊緣》的導演佩舒彭德拉辛格及監製Sanjay Gulati等等。

Not just a festival for movie buffs, HKIFF is also where filmmakers from all over the world could mingle and meet their counterparts! Last night, filmmakers who have films playing in HKIFF42 hung out at Zhangmen Brewery. It looks like Hansal Mehta (director of OMERTA), Donsaron Kovitvanitcha (producer of DIE TOMORROW), John Torres (producer of NERVOUS TRANSLATION), Simon...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42】明天下午將 #免費放映 兩部由 NHK WORLD 製作的紀錄片,分別關於宮崎駿首次創作CGI 動畫,以及葛飾北齋傳世傑作的修復過程。《消失的北齋》導演岡內秀明更會出席映後談,回答觀眾問題。喜歡日本藝術的你,萬勿錯過!現場將派發NHK WORLD提供的小禮品給觀眾。

Don’t miss out two #FREE screenings tomorrow! Produced by NHK WORLD, both documentaries are about Japanese artists – Hayao Miyazaki and Katsushika Hokusai. Director of THE LOST HOKUSAI, Okauchi Hideaki, will meet the audience during Q&A. Free gifts provided by NHK WORLD will be distributed to the audience.

?《永不言倦的人:宮崎駿》NEVER-ENDING MAN: HAYAO MIYAZAKI 24/3 2:30pm The Grand Cinema ?《消失的北齋》THE LOST HOKUSAI 2...Read more

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?【每日影訊】憑《監護權爭戰》勇奪威尼斯影展最佳導演兼首部劇情片未來獅獎的薩維亞勒格朗出席香港國際電影節的「法國之夜」,與影迷分享對家庭及電影的看法。勒格朗表示《監護權爭戰》的故事不是真實事件,亦非個人經歷,但是取材自家暴受害女的真實個案。「作為一個男人,我難以理解為何家暴持續發生」,他因此選擇家暴為電影題材。閱讀全文:bit.ly/2G4jopn ▶️下場放映:今晚 9:30 康怡戲院;導演將再出席映後談,回答觀眾提問!

? [Festival Daily] Silver Lion-winning director Xavier Legrand brought his feature debut CUSTODY to HKIFF and engaged the audience in a lively sharing session at French Night. Though the film was not based on a true story, Legrand revealed that it was grounded on extensive research he conducted, including testimonies from many victims of domestic vi...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009