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?【#HKIFF42】新鮮出爐柏林影展得獎作於電影節登場 Asian Premieres of Berlinale 2018 Winners at HKIFF42



Congratulations to all the award winners of the Berlin International Film Festival 2018! HKIFF fans will have the privilege to watch the Asian premieres of these award-winning films, including MUG, winner of the Grand Jury Prize; DOVLATOV, win...Read more

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?️? 立即申請電影節發燒友 (Cine Fan) 2018年會籍,即可享受以下福利~ 1. 獲取第42屆香港國際電影節換票證兩張 2. 尊享電影節及其他由本協會合辦之電影節目門票優惠 3. 享用各種電影節發燒友友好夥伴提供的折扣 4. 參加優先場活動 (先到先得) ? 申請詳情及條款:http://cinefan.com.hk/zh-hant/privilege-scheme/

?️? Join Cine Fan 2018 Privilege now and enjoy all the benefits below: 1. 2 complimentary tickets of #HKIFF42 2. Discount tickets of HKIFFS screenings and other programmes co-organized by HKIFFS 3. Enjoy all benefits and discounts offered by Cine Fan partners 4. Tickets to preview screening (fir...Read more

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? 回顧香港國際電影節過去41年的精彩片段,當中有你的回憶嗎? To get in HKIFF-mood in this weekend... Let's take a look back at 41 years of HKIFF ?

? #香港國際電影節 #HKIFF 完整片單公布 Full Lineup: 28 / 2 / 2018 售票 Ticket Sales: 2 / 3 / 2018 電影節 Festival Period: 19 / 3 / 2018 - 5 / 4 / 2018

? 訂閱電郵通訊 Join our mailing list! www.hkiff.org.hk/news/eNewsletter

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?【#HKIFF42】美國知名獨立導演辛貝克出席HKIFF42 ?? Acclaimed American Filmmaker Sean Baker will Attend HKIFF42


A film director, cinematographer and producer, Sean Baker is an all-rounded filmmaker whose talent garnered international recognition. His most recent work, THE FLORIDA PROJECT, premiered at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, received critical acclaim for its colorfully empa...Read more

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?【#HKIFF42】日本殿堂級女星香川京子與影迷會面 ? Legendary Japanese Actress Kagawa Kyoko to Meet HK Audience


A prolific talent from the Golden Age of Japanese cinema, Kagawa Kyoko is renowned for her collaborations with the giants of the era. In Mizoguchi Kenji’s A STORY FROM CHIKAMATSU, her luminous charm and natural performance add a new dimension to the masterpiece, for which the brilliant cinema...Read more

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?「從《祭軍魂》的自我完成,到整個市區的受害事件,原一男明顯由『私密電影』轉向介入社會層面的『公眾電影』(Public Film)。」- 01文化


HKIFF #原一男 #HaraKazuo

? 訂閱電郵通訊 Join our mailing list! www.hkiff.org.hk/news/eNewsletter

?#香港國際電影節 #HKIFF42 完整片單公布 Full Lineup: 28 / 2 / 2018 #倒數5日‼️ 售票 Ticket Sales: 2 / 3 / 2018 電影節 Festival Period: 19 / 3 / 2018 - 5 / 4 / 2018

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?【#HKIFF42】霧裡藏花 露琦茜亞馬蒂 ?? The Engaging Detachment of Lucrecia Martel

露琦茜亞馬蒂是「阿根廷新電影」的旗手之一,以女性敏銳視角及近乎人類學的冷眼觀察,巧用省略與暗示手法,拍出只此一家的敘事風格,在國際影壇備受注目。HKIFF42 選映她在鹿特丹國際電影節得獎的新作《流亡將軍沙馬》,以及三部代表作:《濕樂園》、《聖女性女》及《無頭女》,後者榮獲阿根廷金像獎最佳電影等三項大獎,並入選BBC廿一世紀百大電影。今次四部佳作一併回顧,讓觀眾感受其剛柔並濟的觸覺。

Recognized as a major auteur and forceful leading light of the New Argentine Cinema, #LucreciaMartel is known for her critical viewpoints and poetic aesthetic that digs into the contradictions of modern Argentine identity. HKIFF42 is pleased to present her four acclaimed works, including ZAMA,...Read more

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?? 恭祝各位影迷新一年事事如意!? #逗多幾封利是買戲飛 ??

?? Happy Chinese New Year! ? Save your red packet money for film tickets ??

? #香港國際電影節 #HKIFF42 #HKIFF 完整片單公布 Full Lineup: 28 / 2 / 2018 售票 Ticket Sales: 2 / 3 / 2018 電影節 Festival Period: 19 / 3 / 2018 - 5 / 4 / 2018

? Instagram: @hkiffs ? Join our mailing list! www.hkiff.org.hk/news/eNewsletter

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? HKIFF 為觀眾帶來嶄新觀影體驗! ?️ HK Premiere of TSAI Ming-Liang’s debut VR work THE DESERTED

HTC世界首部 VR 華語電影 — 由大師級名導蔡明亮執導的《#家在蘭若寺》將於電影節作香港首映!該片更是威尼斯影展首屆VR競賽單元的入圍作品。電影使用最新VR拍攝技術,讓觀眾恍如置身場景之中,亦猶如飄浮於夢境之內。蔡明亮及金馬影帝李康生更將再度訪港,於4月2日下午5時半主講大師班,帶領影迷走進虛擬世界。 影片將於3月31日至4月2日期間,在香港浸會大學傳理視藝大樓放映十五場,門票$180,勢將秒殺,緊記3月2日上午十時即到城市售票網撲飛!大師班的網上登記則將於3月5日上午十時開始,名額有限,定要快手!依家就Mark實 http://www.hkiff.org.hk/

HKIFF is proud to present HTC’s First VR Chinese Language Film, THE DESERTED, directed by Taiwanese master Tsai Ming-Liang. Tsai...Read more

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??️第42屆香港國際電影節前奏節目「波蘭動畫70年—現場動畫 x 音樂」第一輪登記名額已火速爆滿,第二輪登記將於電影節賣飛大日子——3月2日中午12時開始。門票數量有限,先到先得。 ▶️搶票前看看波蘭動畫師威爾欽斯基過往在音樂會現場表演繪畫的片段!

?️?Limited tickets of “70 Years of Polish Animation” (a prelude to HKIFF42!) will be open for registration again via HKIFF at 12 noon on 2 Mar -- the day when HKIFF42 ticket sales begin! Limited Tickets. First-come, first- served. ▶️Watch the clip and get an idea of how #MariuszWilczyński combines live animation and music on stage!

?️ 16 / 3 / 2018 ? 20:00 ? 香港大學百周年校園李兆基會議中心大會堂 Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial...Read more

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Hong Kong International Film Festival


Hong Kong
March 18, 2009