9th, March, 2008, today HKPA have a show at TST, there is a performance for the issue of Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games Mascot, much people, the show is not as good as we want, but anyways, already break a lag. Thanks for so much friends coming, thx for all the people support us! We will do it better next time, and we will show how's HONG KONG peoples good next time, See u at 2009 2009 East Asian Games!!2008年3月9 日, 飛躍道於香港尖沙咀進行了表演, 該活動為2009年東亞運動會吉祥物發佈會, 有很多朋友來了支持我們! 表演成果雖不如我們想像的好, 不過, 我們, 總算叫成功, 十分感謝到場支持我們的朋友! 有和我們一起練習的人, 有我們的支持者, ,我們會為你們於下次的表演做得更好, 展示給人們知道香港人的力量! 我們於2009年東亞運動會見面吧!