於3月25日, 我們於香港理工大學為設計系的學生進行了一次講座, 內容主要有關介紹Parkour, 包括歷史, 技術, 思想等, 另外我們也從Parkour的角度去分享我們如何去看一個城市, 如何去用Parkour 的思維去思考等。 這是一次很好的活動去推廣Parkour/ADD, 我們更希望這次的講座能有效幫助同學們更立體的去看事物。 On March 25th, we held a talk on parkour in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. We introduced the disicpline of parkour and talked about its history, concepts and the skills involved. We discussed how the 'parkour vision' analyze the outlines of urban environments as well as the way of thinking in parkour practitioners. This was a marvlous day to promote parkour/ADD, and we certainly hope that the talk can bring new sight to students in the audience.