公告由於近期有太多朋友對本會發送電郵至本會, 希望加入Parkour 的行列, 我們為此非常高興, 不過有鑑於我們只是於練習中和朋友分享技術, 而不是公開招收學生, 而且我們必需照顧到我們現時一些和我們一起練習的朋友的安全和進度, 我們十分抱歉地, 我們決定除特別情況, 個別人仕外, 我們會停止增加新朋友加入練習, 這是為了保持練習的質素和安全性, 希望大家體諒。而如果依然有心想加入Parkour的行列, 請耐心等待, 我們我不定期舉行推廣日, 請留意我們的日誌更新, 而另一方面, 我們或會計畫於將來開設Parkour的課程, 請耐心等待。______________________________________________________________________________________AnnouncementBecause there is too much E-MAIL about wanna join us to star to practice Parkour, frist, we really haapy for so much people are interesting in Parkour, but in view of we are not holding the class, we are just shareding our experience and skill, also, we must to care of the safety and progress of the begginer. We are so sorry for except the special case, we will stop raising people to our session, this is a measures for keep the quality of the session and the safety, please undestand.If still hope to join the Parkour, please keep update on our blog, we will have some promotion day without a fixed schedule, also, may be will will set up some training calss in the future, please keep update in patience.