Hi everyone, i'm kazuya from HKPA, at september, we will stop the public training, we will doing some intensive internal training for our listed member. This internal training are called Sep. Challenge , training places at september within 18 days.pls remind that we will take atendance, pls challenge yourself, if you can attend at least 10 session, HKPA will give you a small gift to encourage your achievement**** September challenge 2008 (HKPA internal training)sunmontuewedthufrisat 123456 愛民村(optional) 九龍公園 78910111213 理工大學 九龍仔公園慈雲山 14151617181920 彩虹村 何文田村青衣公園 21222324252627 美孚 沙田新翠村彩雲道公園 Training Time1900-2100Contact: kazuya(98360280)************TypeTrainingTraining will carry on if it is raining or not.pls remind that we will take attendance, pls challenge yourself, if you can attend at least 10 session, HKPA will give you a small gift to encourage your achievement *****************************************venuewaiting place** * 愛民村oi man bus terminal 何文田村 彩虹村Choi Hung MTR Hang Seng 彩雲道公園 美孚Mei Foo Exit D 慈雲山Wong Tai Sin MTR Hans Seng 九龍仔公園九龍仔公園 青衣公園Tsing Yi MTR Hans Seng 九龍公園九龍公園游泳池旁 理工大學polytechnic main entrance 沙田新翠村Tai Wai MTR Hans Seng Good luck for every traceurs.