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Hong Kong Parkour
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Friday, July 31, 2009

DSC_1738於2009年7月25日, 飛躍道與循道循道衛理楊震社會服務處 油尖旺青少年綜合發展中心 合作舉行了一個兒童Parkoru 體驗日, 活動進行非常順利, 小朋友們都表現的非常投入和開心。

活動非常安全, 而小朋友們都表示希望將來再有機會參加類似的活動。

是次活動的參加者由7到13歲, 內容包括基本的Parkour 技巧訓練, 手腳協調性訓練和簡單的體力練習。

以下是是次活動的照片, 照片由本會攝影師 Matthew Wong 拍攝。http://www.fotop.net/mw93036600/HKPA250709In 25, July, 2009, Hong Kong Parkour Association and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development collaboratively held a "children Parkour experience day". The activity was carried out fluently. The participants were from 7 to 13. The activity includes basic parkour techniques training, body coordination training and some simple strength training. The children actively participated and were satisfied. The overall have been carried out safely. The children showed that they would happily join similar activities again.The following are the photos of the activity, photographed by our photographer Matthew Wong.http://www.fotop.net/mw93036600/HKPA250709

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