Our member Fung he has did a video for himself, that's a video about he go jam with himself at 3-5-08 night, and he put the audiotriffic's song "HAPPY?" in the video, if you still remember, that a song with a parkour music video, and movement by HKPA.Let's check out how is his training in the video!**** 我們的隊員鋒他把他於5月3日晚上練習的照片段剪輯成為了一條影片, 他還在影片中用了audiotriffic 的音樂"Happy?" 作為背景音樂, 如果你依然記得, 那首歌是由我們HKPA 附責音樂錄影帶的拍攝, 而內容都是有關PARKOUR的。我們看看他在練習中做了什麼吧!****