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HKPA Parkour Fun Day

2009年7月18日, 飛躍道協會與循道循道衛理楊震社會服務處 油尖旺青少年綜合發展中心 合作舉行了一個Parkoru 的體驗日, 活動進行非常順利, 而參加者們都表示希望能繼續接觸和認識更多Parkour/ADD。 以下是一些活動照片, 本次活動照片由 本會隊員 蔡曉東拍攝。18th, July, 2009, We just finish the "HKPA Parkour Fun Day", This is being brought to the public by Hong Kong Parkour Association and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development collaboratively on 18th July 2009. During the function everythings was great, all the student they are enjoy in this and they all indicate that they wanna keep going on Parkour/ADD.

Here are some PIC of the fun day. Pic were taking by our member Garic Choy.這裡是一位學員在PARKOUR 體驗日後的感覺:

This is some feeling after the fun day by a student:  http://chiwaili.blogspot.com/2009/07/hkpa.html

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