J2 X HKPA**HI all!
We have flim 2 video for TVB J2 channel, there are 2 video by HKPA and talk about what's Parkour!
And now, they are all on show, but, I just get one on Youtube, we Hope to show you all frist anyway,
coz that is a really really cool video, we tell what we think in the video, and with really cool editing!
We hope you all like it, we love it much!!
Let chech out here! And, when we get the other one, we will post it again!! Enjoy!!!****** J2 愛搞作 x 飛躍道**大家好!!!
我們為TVB 的J2台 拍攝了2條"愛搞作"的影片, 現在它們都在上影中。這2條是有關PARKOUR 和我們對這運動睇法的影片。
不過, 我們現在手上只有一條影片, 可是我們都先把它跟大家分享, 這是一條十分精彩的影片, 有很好的剪輯,
當我們有另外一條影片的時候, 我們會再跟大家分享!! 好好欣賞吧!!!**